Chapter 41 Teacher 18

Start from the beginning

Dai Shiyuan lowered her eyelids, revealing a strange expression. With some disbelief, she asked, "Do you like him?"

This boy was already somewhat involved with her and the female lead. If Zuo Jia got involved, the relationship would be even more complicated.

"N-no... my sister doesn't let me date and wants me to focus on studying." Zuo Jia quickly waved her hands, her face turning even redder with embarrassment.

Dai Shiyuan pursed her lips, reminding her in a low voice, "Studying is the most important thing. Don't treat college romance as a necessary thing. After graduating and working, you'll find that boys who have been tempered by society are more attractive."

"Is that so?" Zuo Jia blinked in surprise, as if convinced. After a while, she asked in confusion, "Shiyuan, you're the same age as me, how do you know so much?"

"Uh..." Dai Shiyuan hesitated for a moment, quickly responding and explaining, "I also heard it from someone else."

She had been a little arrogant just now and almost forgot that she was now a naive and inexperienced freshman.

There were no classes in the afternoon, so Dai Shiyuan patiently waited for the last class to end.

During her serious listening to the lecture, it seemed like someone's gaze was always glued to her.

Whenever she tried to look over, the person would stop looking at her.

Dai Shiyuan instinctively felt it was the tall boy named Yan Cheng. She pretended to lower her head to take notes and when she felt that gaze on her again, she suddenly raised her head.

This time, she caught him in the act, and their eyes met.

Watching the big boy quickly turn his head, his face turning red, Dai Shiyuan narrowed her eyes.

This guy looked quite inexperienced, not like the playboy who could handle girls with ease.

He appeared particularly shy and blushing in front of her.

From this, it seemed that what Zuo Jia saw yesterday must have been a misunderstanding.

Dai Shiyuan spent a whole class time and finally became more certain of her guess.

As the bell rang for the end of class, the classmates began to leave one after another.

Dai Shiyuan calmly packed her books, and suddenly a shadow loomed in front of her.

She didn't pay attention and continued to pack her things with her head down.

After a while, a nervous and hoarse voice came to her ear, "Dai classmate, do you have time to have lunch together?"

"Sorry, I have something else to do." Dai Shiyuan refused without lifting her head, her voice extremely cold.

The boy's face showed embarrassment and embarrassment, but he still maintained a smile and said, "Dai classmate, thank you for your blessings yesterday."

"We're classmates, no need to be so polite." Dai Shiyuan's expression remained indifferent, with no emotion. She looked up and glanced at the boy, and asked seriously, "Why do you have my phone number?"

The boy was immediately stunned, his face turned red, and he unconsciously lowered his head. His tall body looked very nervous.

When Dai Shiyuan was impatient and about to turn around and leave, he hurriedly said, "At the beginning of the school year, the class committee asked us to fill out a form, and I saw it... so I wrote it down."

The later words became quieter and quieter, and he sounded even more shy.

"Oh." Dai Shiyuan replied expressionlessly, carried her backpack, and walked out.

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