Chapter 40 Teacher 17

Start from the beginning

In addition, she was not an inexperienced college student without any social experience. Compared to these youthful faces, she preferred mature and stable types that could provide her with a sense of security.

When Dai Shiyuan returned to her room, she noticed that the female lead had not returned yet, as her shoes were still at the entrance. She greeted the black cat first, stroking its head, before going back to her room to change and take a shower.

When she finished showering and came out, she saw three missed calls from the female lead on her phone. Dai Shiyuan felt a little puzzled and decided to call back.

The female lead answered almost immediately, her voice full of laughter, "Shiyuan, some classmates are having a birthday party today, and they invited a few of our teachers. I happened to be free and went over. Have you arrived yet?"

"I have something else to do and didn't go," Dai Shiyuan answered coldly, almost yawning.

Hearing the fatigue in her voice, Shan Yaxin gently said, "You haven't had dinner yet, right? I'll bring some cake back for you later."

"Okay," Dai Shiyuan quickly agreed, feeling a little more energetic.

There had been too many things going on lately, and she had forgotten when was the last time she enjoyed a delicious cake. Before, there was always a daily afternoon tea at the villa, but after school started, that luxury was cut off.

Dai Shiyuan swallowed her saliva and decided to take a nap first before indulging in the cake. However, just as she lay down, her phone rang again, this time it was Zuo Jia calling.

"Shiyuan, Teacher Shan is here. Are you coming?" Zuo Jia said excitedly.

It was noisy on her end, and the music was very loud, even making Dai Shiyuan's ears hurt through the phone.

"It's noisy over there, the music is very loud, even through the phone it's deafening," she said.

Dai Shiyuan guessed that the group of people were celebrating a birthday at KTV. She pressed her ear in an attempt to block out the noise and said in a normal volume, "I'm a little tired, but I'm going."

"What did you say, Shiyuan? I can't hear you. Wait a minute, let me find a quiet place," said Zuo Jia as she walked outside.

Suddenly she saw two figures standing together and instinctively hid. She said to the other end of the phone, "Teacher Shan seems to be talking to a male student... Hey, isn't that today's birthday person?"

Zuo Jia's next sentence was full of surprise.

Upon hearing this explosive news, Dai Shiyuan was instantly wide awake and sat up from her bed in disbelief, "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

The female lead had an exceptional devotion to the male lead, and even though the male lead didn't love her at this stage, it didn't affect the female lead's feelings for him.

Even if the female lead would cheat, especially with a student, she wouldn't believe it even if she saw it with her own eyes.

"Teacher Shan caught the ring," Zuo Jia suddenly turned pale with shock, her entire face looking dumbfounded.

Afraid of being discovered, she hurriedly ran away and found another quiet place.

Dai Shiyuan was startled by her sudden increase in volume and still believed that the female lead couldn't betray the male lead so easily.

After a brief moment of thought, she said seriously, "Zuo Jia, you can't tell anyone about this, and don't ask Teacher Shan, understand?"

"I, I understand..." Zuo Jia blinked quickly as if still in shock.

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