Chapter 9

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You decided that the next couple of weeks would be a test for your sister. If she called you or not was the big question for you. She did, she sent you messages about random things too. She was there. You organized your vacation at your parents house, Leila wouldn't be there, liked had predicted. You had gone back early from your parents to spend time alone with Leila. You spend two days straight in bed, just enjoying each other's company. The third day you had gone out, you really needed to get supplies, to survive. You crossed Virginia on the street, to say she was shocked was an understatement, and she was terrible at keeping secrets. You told to not talk to Lola for an entire day, Alexia, who she was staying at, promised to keep an eye on her.

Lola arrived the next day, while Leila was out. She looked around confused, she knew that apartment, it's Shanyu who gave you away. He came to greet the new visitors of the house, she recognized him instantly, Leila had once posted a picture of him. She made the connection in her head.

- Leila ? You are going out with Leila ? she asked, almost disbelieving. How did I not see that coming ?

-Amor, I'm home and my mom cooked too much again, she gave me leftovers, Leila entered the apartment. Holà Lola! She kissed you, you blushed, and went to the kitchen and put everything in the fridge.

-You are cute together, stated Lola. I am happy for you mi pequena hermana.

She might have been happy for you but as a big sister, it was also her job to terrorize your partner, hum, protect you. The both of you were so domestic together, she had a hard time reminding herself, you actually not really leaving together.

She asked for the 101 on your relationship, which you obliged.

-Technically we are together thanks to Jenni, said Leila. If she hadn't talked to me, I might have never faced my feelings for you.

- And if Ona hadn't told you about me wanting a beach day.

- Well it actually began by you getting lost and me offering you a sweater. That to this day still hasn't made it back to my dressing.

You smiled at her.

-Now you know everything, Sis.

-It's a fucking movie, said Lola.

You were out with Lola, Ona, Alexia and her sister, Virginia and her girlfriend, Mapi and Ingrid. On New Year's eve, walking on the beach. Leila and Lola were trailing behind talking.

- Look Lola, I love your sister and I know sibling relationships are so I knew not to get involved. But I have waited for that so I can't anymore.

- You are scaring me Leila.

- I already asked for your parents' blessing, they said yes. And I knew you were really important to your sister, so I waited for your relationship to get better. I would like to ask your sister to marry me.

-Leila go ask her before midnight, you have seven minutes ahead of you.

Everyone had stopped to look at the sea, Leila grabbed your hand and pulled you behind.

-Amor, do you remember coming to your first, I do at the time you were really young and more reserved than you are now. I felt bad for you at the beginning, but at training you were like a totally different person, like someone had flipped a switch, you were actually quite scary, 1m58 of determination and will to win. Our story of friends and lovers started later, when you got lost at Mataro; you stumbled upon my path. I knew I wanted to be constant in your life when you stopped us because you heard something, saved Shanyu and you took the wrong direction to go back to the car. I fell in love with you while visiting you in Madrid, or maybe it was during all the time we facetimed and sent each other messages. I love you even when you make a mess in the house because you are fixing or constructing something, I love you even when you get angry at me for chewing gum with my mouth open. I am sorry, I know and you do too, that I do that just to rile you up sometimes. I love you, when you don't love yourself. I love your big heart who would rescue every animal in the world if you could. I want to marry you to help you find your path wherever you decide to go. Will you marry me amor de mi vida ?

In tears, you could just nod and throw yourself on to Leila and kiss her.

-I really hate when you chew with your mouth open, stop doing that. But I love you; I would marry you in a heartbeat Leila Ouahabi. Happy New Year!

Leila put your ring on, a simple white gold band with an onyx on top, like the color of her eyes that you loved.

-Happy New Year, my beautiful fiancee. She let you go.

You turned to your sister

-Happy New Year,Pipsqueak.

-Happy New Year, Lo.

-Happy New Year, Lo

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