7. this is too intense

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Will he wake up?

What if he doesn't wake up?

Stephanie chews on her lip to distract herself from the bad thoughts.

Mrs. Byers is still trying to wake Will.

"Will, please, just wake up."

"Please, wake up!"

"It's Mom!"

"It's me!"

Almost as quick as it started, Will gasps as he opens his eyes.

"What was that?" Max whispers to Stephanie.

Stephanie walks closer to Max. "I don't know."

Will doesn't say anything.

Mrs. Byers walks Will back through the doors they rushed out of earlier and back through the school.

The group follows Will and Mrs. Byers through the school whispering about the incident.

Stephanie's almost positive that Mrs. Byers can hear them, but she's probably too busy worrying about Will.

They get to the front doors of the school and Mrs. Byers walks Will to the front door of her poorly parked car.

What's left of the party remains on the steps.

Max looks around at everyone. "Okay, that totally freaked me out."

Then, Max turns directly at Stephanie. "Did that freak you out, Steph?"

Stephanie doesn't turn to Max. She just keeps watching Will. "It totally freaked me out."

Lucas nods. "Two episodes in two days."

"It's getting worse," Mike adds.

Dustin adds onto Mike, "you think it's True Sight?"

Everyone turns to look at Dustin.

"What's True Sight?" Max asks.

Lucas sighs. "It's nothing."

Mike looks back at Will through the car which is now starting to pull away.

"This is too intense." Stephanie sighs, watching Mrs. Byers car speed away.


November 2nd, 1984
7:30 am, 📍Hawkins, Indiana

༺♥༻ Stephanie sighs in relief when Lucas pulls the short straw from Max's hand.

The party decided to search for Dart in the dumpsters before school started.

Obviously, none of them wanted to jump in a dumpster, so Max came up with the idea of picking straws.

Lucas walks up to the front of the dumpster, and stops.

Lucas turns around. "I really don't want to do this."

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