1. Danzel In Distress

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This sucks! she trough to herself as the heavy door close behind her. What was her dad thinking when he let her with his brother? And now that she has no phone no way she can call her dad to complain about it. She wasn't one to stay inside, no, she liked to shop, hike and ride horses. And now, thanks to someone's idiocy *her brother* she was trapped inside!

" Oh, guess it can't be helped," she sigh pulling her laptop out accessing hellpad." Hey, bestie!" she flickered at her receptor, an imp with curved horns, striped in black and white winked back.

" Hey, bestie! How's vacation?"

" I just arrived," she blew a strav of her hair," I already hate it in here."

" Your fifty-rich uncle is not what is seems?" he asked with sarcasm," why am I not surprised?"

" The old man is absurd! He wants to keep me inside like a trapped bird! Can you believe it ?"

" Well," he tried to find the right words," you do tend to put yourself in weird situations."

" But not dangerous!" she frittered with her sleeve. " I don't need to be locked up."

" You are weird darling." he ate a bit," remember when we were in lust?"

Her cheeks turned crimson.

" What are you finding odd in having Asmodeu's chewing gum?"

He laughed.

" That's not weird, what's weird is that you jumped on him and ripe it right out of his mouth," he pointed out," no wonder you're in hell, you're a fan girl. "

" I am not a fangirl, I just like rich, impossible-to-reach guys ."

" Whatever you say sugar tits," he laughed," what will you do until you return? "

" Idk besty, " she crossed her hands warping her tail around herself, a gesture she does just when she's anxious," my uncle doesn't want to see me, I don't have my phone to listen to music, and I can't go shopping. It sucks!"

" But that is all of your personality," he snickered, " what are you going to do?"

" Hm... Idk, " she hugs her knees to her chest," I do wonder what happened here tho?"

" What you mean girl?"

She punched the wall multiple dildoes jumping out with confetti and sparkles.

" I always check the walls," she pointed out," dad taught me, just to be safe. "

" Your uncle is kinki?"

" No, the old fool is just into the classics, missionary and such.  I don't think he'll ever have a date when he uses two ."

" Your uncle fucks?"

She let out a laugh.

" I don't think so, the dude has no chill, no wonder he's that stressed. "

" You're one to talk, miss the virgin lifestyle."

" My dad would kill me if I slept around, " she rolled her eyes," my last two boyfriends were skinned alive, and he plans to marry me to the first moneyed bastard he finds to increase the family wealth. "

" To keep it in the mod, eh?"

" He thinks that just because he and mom were the Bonnie and Clyde of envy so should I. Regardless, mom is more into spending said money than looting it, not that daddy would ever let her know. "

" You are your mom," he lit up a cigarette," admit it."

" No way Jose!" she let her back fall against the wall," I am more like my dad, I live for drama. "

" Wanna piss your uncle off?"

She arched a brow.

" I am listening."

" There's this new club commencement in imp city, Verosika will do the opening. "

He send her a link, it pop immediately on the screen.

"OMD! She's my favorite pop star! When?"

" Can you make it? "

" Well, uncle said I can't disturb him, so I can't ask him to take me," she pondered for a bit," but I really wanna go, and what he doesn't know doesn't hurt him, right? I can sneak out ."

" Cool, I will get my car to pick you up in a few days chica. Imp city isn't that far, he won't even notice your missing. "

" Not that he cares," she rolled her eyes," I bet he'll let me die just to teach me a lesson. He seems to be the type. "

"Bye, girl!"

" Bye, my dude!"

Knock knock

"Yes?" she hesitantly opens the door to reveal one of her uncle's goons.

" It's dinner time, Crimson is waiting. "

She let out a mouth of air.

" Allow me to change, I shall wear something more suited for the feast. " she closed the door changing into a dress, it wasn't something sophisticated but she might as well win the old fool over, and obey his wishes so she might have it easier if she ever steps on his tail without realizing it.

The old man was a walking time bomb despite his demeanor and she knew that. Joining the butler shortly after she meets eyes with the mobster, somewhat calm on his chair at the end of the table.

" Ah, mi sobrina, please sit." he invited her," good to see you finally changed into something fitter for your gender. Maybe  you're not a lost cause after all."

She stood down looking at the plate.

" Uncle."

" What did I say about talking when you are not required to?"

" I just wanted to propose a toast, since it' is the first time we dine in together. "

He squeezed his pupils together but picked his glass regardless.

" Let's hear it. "

She nods.

" Let us drink to your great wealth, and family and life, lasting till your afterlife. All shall be yours once you will rise. "

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