Lars nodded and we split up.

We sat down in the hotels restaurant as waited for our food.

"You have to go back to LA. Don't you"? Asked Kirk with a frown.

"Yeah. I still have a job you know." I replied.

"I just wish you could stay with me while we toured." Kirk sighed.

"Yeah I know. But it'll be over soon. Where are you guys going next"? I asked.

"Las Vegas. Denver. Then. Back to LA." Kirk said.

I grinned and squeezed his hands, "Really"?!

"Yes just a few more weeks." He grinned.

"Once you're back over there we will see each other more often." I said excited.

"I know I can't wait." Kirk said pinching my cheek.

I leaned into his hand grateful to feel his touch on me.

"Okay I'll be right back. I'm gonna use the restroom." Kirk said excusing himself.

I sat back in the chair.

Denver. Colorado.

Tara was in Colorado.

Would it be selfish to use Kirk as an excuse to go see her?

I bit my lip in thought.

I know Tabithas family said I had to stay away from Tara, but just one more time.

So I could have a proper goodbye.

So she could know that her older sister still loves and cares for her a lot.

Would that be so bad?

My thoughts were interrupted by Kirk coming back.

"So after this. I have a surprise for you back in the room. I was gonna wait until after the tour to give it to you, but I wanna do it now." Kirk grinned.

"Oh"? I asked intrigued.

We ate our food and walked hand in hand back to our room.

"Okay"! He said excited.

He sat me down on the bed and used a bandanna to cover my eyes.

He handed me a bag and told me to feel around in it.

"It better not be bugs Kirk. I will scream." I said laughing nervously.

"I promise you they're not bugs." He replied.

I stuck my hand in the bag and felt around. All I felt were plastic pieces.

"Do I pull them out"? I asked.

"Whatever you think you should do." Kirk replied.

"Kirk! You're making me nervous." I said.

"Who knew all I had to do was blindfold you to get you this worked up." Kirk said smoothly in my ear.

I felt the hairs on my neck stand up.

"Is it something sexual"? I asked with a laugh.

"You would want that wouldn't you? And no. Just keep feeling." Kirk replied.

I pulled out more of the plastic pieces and heard a clinky type of noise.

"Is it glass"? I asked.

"Nope. Keep going." Kirk said in return.

"Ohhhh are they keychains"? I asked holding one of the plastic pieces between my fingers.

"Uh uh. And what do you put keychains on"? Asked Kirk.

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