Chapter 8

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Today was lacrosse day.Mum didn't come but,since uncle der is here,she gived me permission.Thought Eli wasn't playing,my eyes never leaved him and for a moment,when he looked at me and smiled,my heart speed picked up.

When I looked at the stadion I saw that some boy was hurt,so I used it as an advantage.

"Hey coach" I said going near him.

"Who are you and what do you want kid?" Coach asked confused.

"I'm Luna Marshall,you knew my mum" I told him smiling."I was here to tell that,since somebody is out of the game,how about you take my friend in?he is over there" I said pointing Eli.I soon regreted because he fell from the bench.

"No,absolutely not,not him,no,never"coach said shaking his head.

You know what they say never say never.

With a little push and one look at uncle der's athletic body,coach said he will give Eli a chance.Now here we are cheering for Eli as he runned around not knowing what to do.When he finally got the ball,he runned to the wrong side.

"Your going to the wrong side,go to left!" I shouted.Eli looked at me and then runned to left.Andd.....

He didn't make it.He broke his ankle.I runned towards him and hugged him.

"Eli,you okay?" I asked worriedly,looking around for uncle der to help.

"Hey,hey,It's okay,I'm fine,okay?" He said,looking into my eyes.

"Right,we still need uncle der to look at it"I said.And just when I finished my sentence uncle der came and picked him up.

"Dad I'm fine"Eli said when they entered the boys locker room.I stayed outside to give them privacy.

But when I felt pain in my arm I regretted my decision.I turned my head to find a freaking arrow in my arm.When I turned I saw a women with a bow.Before she can shoot me again I runned to warn Eli and Derek.Also trying to dodge the flying arrows.

"Uncle Derek!We gotta get out of here!There is a hunter" I said out of breath.Just when I completed my sentence an arrow came in Eli's direction,almost hitting him in the head if uncle derek hasn't stopped it.

"Run!get out of here!go to the hale shop,NOW ELİ!" Uncle derek shouted.Eli runned towards me and took my hand while getting us out of there.Just when we reached the door I felt something.I felt uncle der being in pain.I looked down to see that my braclet wasn't on my hand.Oh shit.It must broke down when we were running.What am I gonna do now? We have to help uncle der and warn others,Oh my gosh

Eli looked confused when he saw me stop. "What are you doing?we gotta leave here."he said,trying to reason with me.

"Uncle Derek he is in pain,the hunter she shooted him,we gotta help him,I-I can help him,you go and call others and-and I will help him,yeah I-We have to help them-"I was saying before Eli cut me off.

"Hey it's okay,it's okay.They all are going to be safe.Dad can heal,I want to help him,I really do.But if we go back she can hurt you and from what dad told me,you can't change.I can't too,that means I can't protect you,so we gotta leave now,before it's too late,we are losing time." Eli said quickly.I just nodded.And he took my hand in his when we started running towards the jeep.

I really hope they will find uncle derek and help him.

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