Howdy Folks!

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Hey Wattpadders,

It has been a while. I can't recall the last time I even logged into Wattpad. Before the pandemic I had decided to put writing on hold. For the past decade, I was putting out two novels per year, multiple short stories, YouTube videos, social media posts, blog posts... it was consuming my entire life.

Some time near the tail end of my writing career, I met a new gal, got married, travelled a bunch, started a business, pursued some other creative projects... and experienced other parts of life other than sitting alone in a dark room, typing away at a keyboard.

The passion for storytelling never left, it was just incredible time consuming.

But with the advent of all these new AI tools, it has really changed the game for content creators and storytellers.

For my latest book - a graphic novel called 'Hashtag' - I used AI text-to-image to create all the art.

I still needed my storytelling, my creativity, my art direction, and my graphic design skills, but these tools are really powerful in the right hands.

Years ago, I put out a graphic novel based on my bestselling book - Prodigy.

Hiring an artist, cost me thousands of dollars and took two years to produce.

The art and colouring in Hashtag are stunning and I did it completely free in a fraction of the time.

I will make a video detailing exactly how I did it, step-by-step and put it up on my YouTube channel.

If you're a storyteller, I highly recommend checking out some of these new AI tools. This is the new way.

Since Wattpad doesn't really allow for the consumption of graphic novels, I encourage you to checkout Hashtag on Amazon - I used Guided View technology, which makes for a pretty awesome reading experience.

I have a few more story ideas I'm interested in exploring so I hope you can continue to follow along on my journey.

Thanks for all your support over the years. Please reach out if you'd like to say hello or have any comments, questions, or concerns.

Edward Mullen

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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