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"But how are we gonna find Elise"says Laura feeling a cold shiver over her spine
"because of this incident we don't know if she's still alive or worse dead!..."
"Thats why we need to believe that she is still alive she has to be there's no way she's dead" says moon trying to bright the mood up
"Instead of wasting time let's go find Elise now!"says sora being hesitant in a rush


They go and find Elise by going to the school building in the 2nd floor the electives area. Where all clubs are at,they stumble opon hearing a weird sound coming from the girls Second floor bathroom

"Hey moon did you heard that?!" Says Laura a bit creep out
"Yea I heard it it's a weird tapping sound coming from over there.."Says moon as a response

The group of three got closer to the bathroom and heard whispers,The sound was Elise talking with Sandra that were hidden under the bathrooms sinks,they went in to check on the girls who were startled

"O-oh hey there laura"Says Elise startled
"Hi Elise and sandra nice to see you two"says Laura now calmer

"F-for a second we both thought that yall were the monsters and that yall were gonna attack us.. but thank good it wasn't worse as we thought."Says Sandra feelings relief

"Well now theres 5 of us we might be able to come up with a plan at least right?" says Moon looking at Laura who looks back at her.

"Yeah but... im not sure if 5 of us is enough though"says Laura "I mean by now we are really much very dead meat to those mosters.. "

"But with our ideas we can actually come up with something and beat them!" Says Elise feeling a bit more confident.

"Elise is right not just shes the top #1 popular person but she does have a reason to move on before it becomes bad by just using our minds you know?"Says Sandra agreeing with her

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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Moon's adventures Vol.1 The monsters of Saturnlite(og story pilot unfinished )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt