Fun Facts :)

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This entire chapter is just going to be me listing things about Mave in general basically giving you guys some back story and hopefully some funny scenarios
This chapter is constantly being updated so check on it every now and then. :)

- she takes boiling hot showers so her skin is pink for an hour after.

- Before she was with the Jedi she was one of Padme's handmaidens even though she didn't look like her much (Thats what Mave though at least)

- Her and Fives SLAY JUST DANCE so does Rex but he only every does it with Ahsoka and Mave.

- Hunters season 2 scarf was one Mave found on pantora, when she pointed out that it was the same material as his bandana she bought it for him.

- Her and Echo are incredibly close

- Because both her and Kix were the 501st's main medics they got pretty close. Surprisingly he's really good a sabbacc.

- Since Mave wasn't given a middle name Anakin took it upon himself to give her one. Her full name is Mave Skylar Jinn, ofc anakin had to use his name in some way shape or form 🙄

- When she takes charge of situations no one dares question her. More like "yes ma'am."

- Mave has tiny braids in her hair done by different members of the batch.

- She has lots of little tattoos done by different clones she was friends with.

- Theres a star drawn on the hilt of Obi wan's lightsaber that Mave did when she was 12. Anakin was jealous so she drew one for him too. (Although that lightsaber was destroyed in the Genonosian factory at the beginning if the war)

- Her and Ahsoka are masters at having conversations with their eyes (Anakin joined in later on when him and Ahsoka got closer)

- she can speak a decent amount of mando'a

- (kind of book spoilers but oh well) She became a being of the force after order 66 having the force flow out of all the Jedi and through her. Being rewritten in a prophecy as the new 'chosen one' which was a prophecy kept secret by the Jedi.

- parts of her lightsabers were things she took from around the Marauder

- Ever since Rex found out Mave dyed her hair purple with some special fancy hair dye from Aldeeran when she was 7 he gets her to re bleach his hair every so often. Its their little bonding time. God knows why he would trust Mave with hair dye after that story but he does 🤷

- Mave once walked past the 501st's barracks and all she could hear was yelling, so naturally she went to see wtf was going on. Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Tup and Echo were all screaming Taylor Swift. Obviously, she joined in.

- Her and Fox were really good friends until he killed Fives. After that she actively avoided him.

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