Chp.001 'Mistake'

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Chp.001 'Mistake'

No one's P.O.V:-

It was a cloudy day, the chilly atmosphere surrounding the area as the said (L/N) was on their way to work.

(L/N) worked at a small bakery nearby the Advanced Assassination Base otherwise known as AAB (i know the name sucks but bear with me), Their work is unknown for no one has an idea on what they bring or do actually benefits us frail citizens.

Thinking about what they could be doing sends shivers down (Y/N)'s spine, they were nothing like the other agencies. i mean, they're assassins.. what do you expect?

Meanwhile in the Advanced Assassination Base:-

???: "We're out of bread..."

??: "How.."

?: "I ate them all."

Both (???) and (??) stared at (?) menacingly, Although (?) didn't find anything wrong with it since, obviously, they ate the bread and didn't give the others a chance to even get a tase of it or make a sandwich for themselves.

(???) said "Rin, go get us some more bread." ... Rin got mad "ha- What?? Why me!? I don't want to do it!" He was mad at (???) because he wasn't the culprit so why should he do it?  < - - - ( Rin was [??] )

Eventually Rin told (???) ".. If anything it should be Leo who has to go and get us the bread! Since he was the one who ate them all in the first place!"

"Hey! i only ate them because i was hungry.." Leo said trying to defend himself. < - - ( Leo was [?] )

"There were 63 pieces of bread what do you mean.." Rin said looking straight at Leo,

"How come you brought such an oddly specific number, huh?" Leo asked trying to sound like a detective.

"Plus Avi, i would've done it if my right ankle wasn't hurting so bad." Leo lied. < - ( Avi was [???] )

Avi sighed at the scene and told Rin once again "Come on Rin, The bakery is nearby it shouldn't be a problem."
"Yeah! It's not too far from here!" shouted Leo from afar, behind Avi.

"I swear talk one more time Leo and i'm coming for both your ankles" Rin mumbled to himself.

Back to the bakery:-

(Y/N) got into their usual work outfit, Opened the news for themselves so they actually know what the hell is going on in Yokohama.

(Y/N) was cleaning a bit until the door opened so (Y/N) rushed to the counter just to greet the customer,

"Hi! How may i help you?" (Y/N) said to..

"You may help me with getting my 63 pieces of bread ready, thank you." Rin replied in an annoyed tone,

"Oh- alright." as (Y/N) placed 23 pieces of bread in the bag, The customer asked a question.

"Hey, Aren't you that one kid who broke our front wall?" Rin asked the worker as he placed his right elbow on the counter with his right hand holding onto his face.

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