chapter 1

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It has been several hours after he left the castle, or maybe more. Who knows? It's hard to tell when his vision of the sky is blocked by trees.

Venti stomach starts to grumble, this wasn't part of his plan. He thought that if he went west right after he climb out the castle gate he would eventually arrive at a town somewhere. Why does he think that you ask? Because the West wind just 'feels right'. Who would have thought he ended up in the mount instead..

He can only think with his stomach right now, and his stomach is screaming 'hungry'. Oh how he wish to have a bite of the Apple Pie the maid always make for him...

Thinking about apple pie, venti realized one of the trees he's walking pass by bore some apples to them! Perfect. Now all he need to do is infuse some anemo magic into his steps so that he could float to the same level as the fruits. Picking one and two... Ok maybe several more than that, and he finally rest on top of one of the branch of the tree, one hand pillowing his head and a hum on his lips. Ah, now this is freedom. What else is more freeing than laying on a branch in the middle of nowhere munching away on an apple? If he had done this back in the palace he'll get scolded for sure!

Suddenly Venti heard a rustle from down below, is someone here? It's a good thing if there is, he need some help with direction after all. He take a little peek to the side and down, trying to find the source of the noise. He could see it just a little further from the tree he's on, a figure of... A boy his age perhaps? He's bending over some bushes picking up some leaves and putting them in a basket. Venti couldn't help but be more intrigued, he rarely ever meet someone his age, and the fact that he's this deep in the forest alone just makes it more interesting.

He could see the back of the person's head, deep green of medium length hair, perfectly tied at the end. 'Turn around...' Venti found himself wishing, somehow he's dying to find out what he looks like.

Venti didn't realized he leaned in too much to the edge, the creaking sound of the fragile branch he's on passed his mind completely. But the sound didn't escape the other's ear, the figure turning around only to lock eyes with Venti.


Beautiful bright amber,
'so that's the colour of his eyes.' That's all Venti had the time to think about before the branch completely gave in and break, sending him falling down.

"Ahh?!?!!??" He exclaimed, the fact only registering in his head. Quickly he mumble a spell to create a soft wind barrier on the ground, breaking his fall. He land in the soft pillow of collected wind and launch forward before rolling onto the ground... And unfortunately enough knocking the person he just met down to the ground as well.

"Ouch..." Venti complained, rubbing his pained back from the fall. Luckily he managed to cast that spell in time, or things would be much worse. Looking up, he realize the boy is also down on the ground, even worse he's been knocked by none other than Venti into the bush he was collecting from earlier.

"Oh- oh my archons! You're alright?" He panicked, immediately getting up and helping the other up too. 'It's really bright...' He thought again, those eyes.

"It's fine. I should've payed attention." The boy answered. Truth be told he was too surprised by the situation to properly express it, first of all how did he get up there? He had never seen the person before and he really thought it was some kind of animal at first.

"Not at all! The fault's on me. Uh.. Let's see... I, have nothing currently so how about some apples as an apology?" Venti rambled, feeling bad for the poor person he basically send flying into a bush out of nowhere. He look around for the extra apple he picked up before, just to find the all smashed up against the ground.

"Haha... That's a long fall wasn't it?" He attempt a joke, watching the sorry state the apples are in. "Its-" the boy was about to say,

"Worry not! I'll pick some new one for you," Venti cut in, mumbling another anemo spell that creates a small whirlwind in his hand. He guides the small ball of wind up to the trees and fruits, sucking it up and keeping it afloat inside the ball. Slowly he guide them back down and right into the basket the boy had bought with him.

"That's... Just now too, you used magic." The boy remarks, a bit fascinated. He never saw someone using one before, especially when the lessons for them are exclusively for the nobles in the cities. So this person must be from there too?

"Ah, yes! Anemo magic, neat right?" Venti reply, never the one to ignore a compliment. He blow a small breeze into the boy's face, sweeping his hair backwards and sending off the leaves he got stucked in his head from the fall earlier.

Venti peek at the basket the boy had bought along, noticing the leaves sitting with the apples he had just put in. "You're collecting leaves?" He asked.

"Herbs." The other answered simply, walking toward the basket  and picking it up.

"It's herbs? How do you know?" He asked again, even when the boy had looks like he was about ready to walk away. That's fine, he can just follow him.

The other was getting a bit annoyed at the amount of questions he's getting. He's not a big fan of socializing, especially with the loud kind like him. But he doesn't want to be rude to someone who looks like he means no harm. "I've been doing it for a while." He finally answered.

"Cool!" Venti exclaimed, still weirdly mesmerized with seeing herbs. It's not entirely his fault, the medicine back in the palace are all processed alright! So he never really seen herbs in it's 'natural state' or whatever you call it...

"Actually I'm a bit loss..." Venti admitted.

'Ah, so that's why he's here.'

"May I ask... Where's the nearest city?" He laughed and smile nervously, not wanting to look that pathetic and dumb.

Xiao think for a while, "the nearest city is a day journey in that way" he pointed in a direction away from them. "You got on the wrong path, there's only small villages in this area."

"A DAY JOURNEY?!?" Venti exclaimed, shocked at the information he's gotten. Forget being hungry now, he'll starve for sure before he gets there!

"Ah yes..." Xiao answered, taken aback from the exaggerated response the other made. Suddenly he hears a growl coming from the person's stomach. 'How long has he been lost?' He asked himself.

Venti laugh awkwardly at the growl. "Thanks..." He simply said before slowly walking away to the direction the person had pointed. He just need to accept his reality and get moving now, the sooner the better!

The other watch him basicaly limping away... A small guilt forming inside him. That person was nice after all, he had considered picking apples too before getting here but he already received them now. And it wasn't entirely the person fault he face planted into a bush... Wait it was. But it wasn't that bad. And no way is he making it to the city anytime soon, plus who could say that he wouldn't get lost again?
And perhaps it's just his nature to help people that makes him can't help but call out to the person again,

"My village is near. You can rest there first." He called out.

(Author's note: something possesed me. Enjoy this lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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