6 || the media

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Blair Jenner

I wake up with a terrible headache, I open my eyes to see I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday evening. I didn't saw Pierre, not that I care or something. I got out of bed and did my morning routine and took a painkiller for the headache and changed into comfy clothes. I opened my phone and I saw it was blowing up

"Fuck" I muttered when I saw the article that my sister sent to me, with a text

Kenny❤️ thank you for traumatizing me sis

I chuckled but I didn't really how I could have traumatized her

I heard the door of the room open and I looked at the person who walked in the room

"Hey" Pierre said

"Hey" I said while I was just doing my thing and answering some messages on my phone

"So your not asking where I was? Because I had a very interesting morning" he said

"Oh I would bet" I said while answering some messages of people "oh by the way" I said and I walked to him and gave him my phone with the article on the screen "I hate you" I said finishing what I wanted to say

"Merde" Pierre muttered. He grabbed his phone and started texting someone

"So I guess you woke up with an girl in bed this morning? Because I saw a fun article about that" "our mangers are going to be so happy about that" I said sarcastic and I saw Pierre rolling this eyes

"Your so funny" Pierre said sarcastic

"Yeah I know thanks" I said and smiled at him and he rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom and a few minutes later I heard the water of the shower running


"Tim texted me he planed a meeting with your manger and us for today at 3 pm" I said and Pierre nodded

"We're are you going?" He asked me

"To meet up with Charlotte" I said and he looked confused at me "she and a few other girlfriends are going to get a drink at the cafe here near by" I said and he nodded

"Oke be back before 3" he said and I rolled my eyes

"I wil dad" I said and I closed the door of the hotel room behind me. It wasn't a really long walk to the cafe, just a 10 minute walk

"Heyy I said to Charlotte when I arrived at the little cafe. It wasn't very busy that was actually chill. I didn't saw any paparazzi while walking to the cafe thank god

"Heyy you came" she said and gave me a hug

"Of course I came" I said and we both chuckled

Later the rest of the girls came and it was pretty much fun, they were all very sweet. I met the girlfriend of Carlos Sainz Isa, the girlfriend of Alex Albon Lilly and the girlfriend of George Russell Carmen. I actually didn't know who the drivers were but yeah. After a few hours it was almost 3 pm and I texted the grumpy French man that I would meet him at the meeting where he replied with 'ok'


"So I think you both know why we organized this meeting?" Pierre's manger said and we both nodded

"Just saying it's totally his fault" I said

"Oh sh-" Pierre wanted to say probably 'oh shut up' before his manger cuts him off

"Pierre no. Oké this is how we are going to do this, you two are going to live your life's again and you two sometimes just meet up or go somewhere together and you two stay liking each others instagram post, and you Pierre stay out of trouble" his manger said and both me and Pierre looked at each other and nodded

"We're planing to make the relationship public at the Grammys that are at in augustus" Tim said and both me and Pierre nodded again

"Oke" I whispered and nodded again "are we done here? I have a flight back to La" I asked and both Pierre's manger and mine nodded and we all stoot up and left the meeting room

"So... should I drop you off at the airport?" Pierre asked me

"How much I want to say no, I need a ride. And our mangers are watching so yeah sure" I said and we both go back to the hotel and got my suitcases and he drove me to the airport


"Oh no" I whispered when we arrived at the airport and Pierre looked at me confused "paparazzi" I answered and pointed at the guys with the cameras

"Merde how did they found you?"

"What do you think? They always find me" I said and rolled my eyes

We both got out of the car and Pierre helped me with my suitcases and I thanked him

"Have a good flight" Pierre said and wrapped his arms around me. At first I was a little confused but I just go with the act and hugged him back

"I wil" I said and we both let go of each other and we said good bye to each. I walked into the airport and checked in and waited for my flight back to LA to go board


A/n I know the Grammys aren't in augustus but it's just for the story

Any thoughts on this chapter?

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