meeting them -

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


You just moved in with your Aunty Emily since your dad recently had a daughter with your step mom Lisa and they needed room so they shipped you here.

"Are you all settled in Y/n/n?" Emily said as she walked in your room a smile on her face, "yeah" you said with a smile. "Great, come down and meet some of Sam's friends!" Emily said as she leaded you downstairs, at the third step you could hear loud laughter.

It soon stopped when you got downstairs all eyes were on you and Emily.

"Boys, this is my niece Y/n" emily said with a smile as she introduced you, as you smiled awkwardly. your eyes wandered around and soon landed on a boy, you made eye contact with, as everything changed.

The boy immediately got up from his seat not knowing he did he smiled at you, "I'm Jared!" He said loudly, as the boys next to him broke out in laughter, some whispering about a word 'Jared's imprint'

The boy immediately got up from his seat not knowing he did he smiled at you, "I'm Jared!" He said loudly, as the boys next to him broke out in laughter, some whispering about a word 'Jared's imprint'

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


  You stood up walking towards the board since your teachers partnered you up and wrote it on the board.

You scanned it as your heart dropped when you saw who you were partnered with,

Quil Ateara & Y/n Y/L/N

"I'm partnered with a gang banger, great" you whispered to yourself, as you sat next to Quil who smiled at you, "hey do you have a pencil I could borrow?" Quil asked as you looked up.

"not for you gang bange-" you said harshly before stopping when you looked into his eyes, he smirked, as you nodded pulling out the trance as you handed him the pencil when the bell ringed.

"not for you gang bange-" you said harshly before stopping when you looked into his eyes, he smirked, as you nodded pulling out the trance as you handed him the pencil when the bell ringed

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


you knew who Embry was since you were Seth's twin sister, although you didn't talk to the boy since he was a year older than you and Seth.

You were seated on one of the logs along with Seth, you had two marshmallows while Seth had four on his stick, it was a bonfire, you heard footsteps, Seth stood up to greet someone. "Y/n!" Seth said as you looked up to look at Seth who rolled his eyes at you.

"This is Embry, Embry this is my sister y/n, she's way better than Leah!" Seth said as you smiled looking into embry's eyes as you were lost into a trance.

A future flashed between you two eyes, one being you and Embry at a beach with what looked like baby in your arms.

"woah" Embry whispered as he broke out the trance smirking at you, "nice meeting you y/n" embry said as Seth shrugged not knowing what was going on.

Since he and Leah weren't apart of the pack yet, and didn't know anything about it other than the legends.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


you were Sam's little sister and you lived with them ever since your mother died.

you currently sat in the living room with Emily, waiting for Sam to bring the newbie shifter as Sam told you and Emily through the phone.

You two heard the door open as footsteps were heard as you and Emily looked at each other before getting up and making your way to the kitchen.

"There you two are, Paul this is Emily my imprint, and this is Y/n my little sister" Sam said as he pulled Emily in a hug.

You smiled at Paul looking into his eyes as everything froze, you were immediately broken out the trance when you heard Sam growl lowly.

"Paul outside NOW!" Sam said using his using his alpha voice.

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