Chapter One - The Daughter Of the Worlds Worst Criminal

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I am currently two years old. I felt my tears pricking at my eyes as I clung to my fathers jacket as he held me. He wore a cloak and had me wrapped in a similar one. We stared as my mother boat burned. She'd be buried at sea. Just as she wished. My pitch black wings where tucked in tight against my back. My fathers hand held me in place. Shielding me from sight and using his strong arms to protect me. He's always been like that. I looked at my father. I looked like him. I had his skin tone. His hair color. But I had my mother body shape. My mothers eyes. I had a mix between both of their personalities. I looked at dad and his ever stoic face. A single tear falls from his left eye. Quickly he whips it away. I could tell he wanted to be strong. For me. So. I snuggle up closer to him. He looks at me. And his stoic, harsh face softens instantly. So. He smiled at me. A wide toothy smile. Little did I know. That smile will become quite infamous. But the reason why. Will forever be a secret.

My papa turned on his heal. Pulling the hood closer to my head. Trying to hide me and himself as much as possible. The whole island was here, and papa was super recognizable. He was a pirate. One of the best. Mommy was a bar maid and nurse. The kindest woman. But also not scared of beating someone an inch to death. She was tanned. Like me and papa. With white hair and ocean green eyes. I looked at papa as he walked we where going to the back of the village. Where no one lived. It was a long walk. It would take a week for a normal person.

But papa.

Papa was not normal. My hands tighter around his jacket. His left arm rested under my bum as hips moved me to his chest. Placing his right hand on my head and over my hood. He leaned forward and moved. So quickly that I had to squeeze my shut. I can't remember what papa called it but he said we will move at the speed of light and I'm guessing that's how fast we went.

It took only milli seconds until we reached the ship. I looked up at papa as he pulled down his hood. Showing is reddish-magenta hair. His deep crimson red eyes glowed as he stared at his ship. I looked up at him. But he again pushed my head into his chest. "My mockingbird. My crew can be.... Rough. Let me do the talking. And do not leave my side." Mockingbird. That was his nickname for me. I nodded. And he moved. His cap and coat swaying as he walked. I looked at papa. I could sense the eight strong auras on the ship. My head turned slightly. Then.
"Captains back!" A shrill loud and girly voice screamed. Well. More like screeched.
"Shut up!" A deep and drowsy voice boomed. He stumbled in the vowels clearly drunk. I can smell the alcohol from here. Then there was laughing. Dad again spoke.
"If I'm not around go to Edward Newgate. He likes kids.... In a fatherly way." I looked at him. Visible confused. He just gave me his smile. Sweet and comforting to me. But unearthing and creepy to anyone else. Now papa jumped. I looked up at him as we landed on the deck. He again cradled me in his arms. I could tell he wanted to shield me from the world. From everything and everyone.
"What you got there captain." Papa stood up straight. His grip tightening. I went to turn my head but papa was faster. Again he pushed my head into his chest. I was so small compared to papa. His hand could easily crush my skull and neck with a single squeeze. But he didn't. Papa would never hurt me. The man that spoke yelped. Then a comforting fatherly voice spoke.
"Shut up Shiki. He just buried his wife. Chances are what he's got there right now is his kid or something." Papa chuckled. But I was more concentrated on the tense muscles on my back from keeping my wings tucked in so tightly. My wings were bigger then most Lunarina's. Much much bigger. They where already twice my size. Then there was the fact of my hollow bones. I needed to stretch my wings. I looked up at papa. His hand had moved.
"That's right Edward. This here's-" I tugged on papas shirt. He stopped talking and looked at me. Instantly. Like he could read my mind he knew what was wrong. He moved. Sitting down and taking off my cloak. Reveling my form. My wings instantly shot out. A few feathers fell to the ground as I still clung to papa. I flapped them twice before stretching them as far as the could go. Before the rested in a more comfortable and less tense position.
"Holy shit." I female voice spoke. Papa ignored the woman and grabbed me. Gently and being careful with my wings. He turned me to look at his crew. Nine people. Six men and three woman stood before us. All wide eyes. "Never thought I'd see the captain be so..."
"Gentle." A white mustached man said. I spoke before I could think.
"Your mustache makes you look old." He froze. His hand moving to the said mustache. A look of shock and hurt plain on his face as everyone bursted out laughing. Papa laughed.
"As blunt as always. Huh. Mockingbird." I look to papa. And in reply fiddled closed to him. "Anyways. Phoenix. The man you just insulted-"
"I insulted him?" Again. Everyone laughed. Papa shook his head. A found smile on his face. I took that as yes.
"Yes." I looked to the man.
"Sorry Snow White." Now everyone was rolling in the ground and papa was shaking in laughter. I looked at them. Visible confused. The man dubbed Snow White. Was still frozen in shock and now horror. I looked at papa. "Did I do it again?" Papa nodded and I looked at the man. "Sorry... again." He smiled and laughed.
"A-anyways. That." He pointed at the man I insulted. His hair on his head was golden. But his mustache was white. I was about to ask something when papa covered my mouth. He problems knew what I was going to say. "That is Edward Newgate." Next he pointed at a golden bland make with no feet... I wanted to ask why he did have feet. "That's Shiki." He moved to a large horned man. "Kaido." Then a woman clad in pink. I hated pink. She made my eyes want to bleed. "Charlotte Linlin." Then papa pointed to a woman with golden hair and black bat like wings. "That is Stussy." He pointed to a black haired woman "Shakky. Well. Shakky's a nickname and easier to remember." Then he pointed to a pink haired man. "John." Then to two other people I couldn't see. "Then that's Wang Zhi and Silver Axe." I looked at papa. "Crew. This is my daughter. Phoenix." He looked up. His eyes promised death as he covered my ears. I didn't need to hear to know dad was threatening them with a slow and painful death if they hurt me. I in turn giggled. Amused with my father's violence.he ruffled my hair. Laughing.

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