~ around the map ~

8 0 2

"Well it's, i-its"

"It just took me by surprise"
"Okay then weirdo"

I turn and look over to my mirror before  walking over to the door.

"Let's just go eat breakfast"

Sometimes I think that she is just too nice for this world, but then I remember what kind of a person she is and don't feel any guilt. I slowly walked down the stairs. Walking as peck skipped happily down. She so cute. Wait..what!? I start hurrying down the stairs. Quickly getting the milk from the fridge and cereal from the cabinet. Pecky looks at me in shock as I get put a bowl and spoon.

"Someone must be hungry"

I ignored her comment hearing her chuckle that soon turned into pouting as I poured the cereal then milk into my bowl.

"Are you THAT mad from earlier?"
"Maybwe I awm"

My words were so unclear that i dont think pecky was even able to understand what i was trying to say. I didn't care much though, I stuffing cereal into my mouth was not trying to bring up any small talk. A few minutes pass by like hours in this awful silence. I almost missed hearing pecky rant about how many good deals she found. That girl sure is something I think to myself.

"say emm wanna go shopping later, I got this guy at the club to give me $1,000" I swallowed hard almost chocking "sure"

After that weird morning the day flew by just like any other, peck would rant and we would talk and laugh, try on different outfits with things we had bought or see who could come up with the best one.

"hey emm can I sleep over?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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