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"Can we do this?"

"Of course we can."

"You don't sound so sure of yourself, Nico."

"You try being strapped to your bed by leather and try to sound confident."

"Been there, done that,and if you wanted to know, I looked fabulous doing it."

"You moron."

"Says the person strapped to their bed."


"What? Did I hurt your ego or your wits?"

"You're hurting my brain now shut up."

"Honey, you need to have a brain for it to hurt."

"Of fuck off."

"I'd loved too, honestly, I would, but you see, I'm here by force, not my choice so fucking off isn't really an option."

"Well it should be."

"Ha, have a complaint? Put it in the box of no shits being given."

"Jas, can you please shut up?"

"That action is undergoing consideration."





"Jas, have you died or are have they drugged you again?"

"Oh I'd love to be drugged."

"And she speaks! Oh what wonder..."

"Weren't you the one who asked me to shut up a minute ago?"

"I did, but you didn't reply after you were considering it."

"That's the whole point of shutting up you dipshit."



"Yes, Jas?"



"Are we ever going to escape?"



"Do you want me to lie or be a shit and tell the truth?"

"People believe the truth can be a lie."

"I know, I'm one of them, and I don't think we'll escape."

"Is that the truth or is that a lie?"

"You tell me."


this story was on my first account @repairgirl_ ,but I moved it to my second account as my first was getting cluttered and crap.

Hope you enjoy this, comment what you think??


p.s dedicated to @maximoff- for making the cover:p

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