13- im stuck

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@Soultrain: 🧑🏻😲📸👍🏼👍🏼🤷🏻‍♂️🏃🏻🚏😖🫥😂
—@Intakoyaki: translate @C.Seob
—@C.Seob: He's surprised the photos turned out amazing even after he ran into the sign and hit his head 😂
—@Intakoyaki: thanks Can always count on you👍🏼👍🏼 @C.Seob
—@Intakoyaki: @Soultrain my favourite yet clumsiest photographer bestie 🤩🥸

@Geeyoung: 😪beautiful but can't help to point out that you stole my beanie 🧐
        —@Intakoyaki: possession is 9/10ths of the law🥱



♡ by @Taesky, @Soultrain, @Intakoyaki & 851 others

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♡ by @Taesky, @Soultrain, @Intakoyaki & 851 others.

@Keenhoe: orderly conduct bcs we follow the rules 🫡


@Soultrain: 🚸🚦🚆❌📰👼🏻😢
           —@Keenhoe: yeah i don't wanna get hit by a train either 😂

@Geeyoung: you follow rules?!?!? when was i informed ⁉️🧐
        —@Keenhoe: rude 😪

@Taeksy: my hair looks good 🤩
—@Keenhoe: this isn't about you meghan 🤠



♡ by @Taesky, @Intakoyaki, @Keenhoe & 872 others

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♡ by @Taesky, @Intakoyaki, @Keenhoe & 872 others.

@Geeyoung: a dance major, Two senior technical science students and a 1st year college graduate sit in a room together for one reason..... what do they all have in common??? 🤨🤔

@C.Seob & 2 others tagged


@Taesky: not brains that's for sure 🫢

@Intakoyaki: please do not say me 🤖
—@Geeyoung: out of luck today my friend bcs we were all only here for you 😘

@C.Seob: throwing the bestie under the 🚌 but i came for the free studio merch 😮‍💨

@Keenhoe: i quit my job today bcs i'm tired of missing out😤
—@Geeyoung: i see i see.. so that trust fund is paying for your half of the rent? 😉
—@Keenhoe: oh no that's what the sugar daddy is for 🙃🙂😉😉😘

@Soultrain: technical science?!? i thought i was studying applied science?????????
—@C.Seob: PLEASE tell me you're joking rn ?!???????😩😩
—@Geeyoung: wait.... isn't it the same thing?!?
-@Soultrain: yeah i just like messing with Seob 😂



♡ by @Intakoyaki, @C

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

by @Intakoyaki, @C.seob, @Taesky & 935 others.

@Soultrain: there was once a time when we all went to the same school 😪😪

6 users tagged


@Geeyoung: this feels like a complete lifetime ago.... are we sure we didn't switch into an alternate universe..............

@Keenhoe: ahhhh yes! when none of us had ANY fashion sense 🫢

@intakoyaki: fun times apart from the fact that my lunch schedule was completely different to all of you 😩😩
        —@C.Seob : that still didn't stop you from skipping 😉

@Taesky: don't remind me 😤😤😤
         —@Soultrain: it was the time of your life shh 😉😂

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