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♡ by @C.Seob, @Woong, @Keenhoe & 729 others.

@Geeyoung: got rejected last night guys pray for me 😉
tagged~ @intakoyaki


@Intakoyaki: 😂 broken heart disease 😉

@C.Seob: this is so casual it's actually hilarious 💀

@Keenhoe: man to think that was possible 🤔




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♡ by @Minjikim, @Taesky & 941 others

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♡ by @Minjikim, @Taesky & 941 others.

@Intakoyaki: Minji's room is prettier than mine is all i'm saying 😔


@Minjikim: "i'm totally not coming over just to take photos with your sunset lamp" LIAR🥲
     -@C.Seob: hey atleast he didn't steal your turtle crisps 😮‍💨
         -@Minjikim: @Soultrain YOU OWE ME TWO PACKETS BTW!!
           -@Soultrain: i only ate one!????!?!??????

@Keenhoe: you look like you're about to write the heartbreak album of the year 😂
      -@Intakoyaki: watch me release it on your birthday 😚
         -@Keenhoe: a gift of a LIFETIME!!!!

@Geeyoung: if i was @Minjikim i would've kicked your ass out before you stepped foot in the door 😗
    - @Intakoyaki: YEAH RIGHT! you love me too much 😌
        -@Geeyoung: your pretty privilege has been revoked 🥸



♡ by @Heyyy

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♡ by @Heyyy.in, @Intakoyaki, @Soultrain & 921 others.

@C.Seob: please remind me next time to not leave my laptop unlocked around @Minjikim & her friends!😑😑

2123 PHOTOS.. HOWW?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!


@Minjikim: that ones on you, next time be smart 😌

@Soultrain: that was foolish of you🥸
      -@C.Seob: you could've stopped them! 😩
         -@Soultrain: 🫣🫢👨🏽‍🦯

@Taesky: 😂hearing you complain about it for a whole hour whilst trying to delete photos to find out there's 10 more every single time 💀



Jongseob Sat across from his brother at the other side of the island bench, the two sharing a pot of noodles since neither could be bothered cooking a full meal, silence and tension surrounding them with the only sounds prominent where the ticking on the old wall clock and the slurping of their noodles.

clearing his throat to break the silence, Theo sets his chopsticks down, gaining his younger brothers attention.

"If i were....to date Intak would it... umm.. make you uncomfortable?" His words coming out half  incomprehensible due to the mixture of mumbling and chewing, Jongseob looking up with his eyes, a mouthful of noodles still half way from the bowl complimenting the moment.

Slurping up the straggling pieces, the younger wipes his mouth and takes a sip of water before answering his older brother.



"no" He answers matter of fact, before fixing his posture and now completely giving his full attention to the older.

"Would i be disappointed?....... yes."

he follows, Theo's shoulders dropping slightly at the unexpected response.

"i would be disappointed that it's taken you THIS long, that you have known for the past EIGHT years about Intak's feelings and you're only choosing now to speak up about them because Jiung Hyung confessed" 

Seob pauses briefly letting out a deep sigh of slight frustration.

"Every single day Intak and i would sit under the maple tree on the schools football pitch, and it would always be the same question from me, i would ask 'are you going to confess to my brother yet' and Intak would reply with, ' i'll confess soon... when the times right, he'll give me a sign'.... and that day never came Hyung.. not once"

Theo's heartbeat picking up as his eyebrows turn into a frown, knowing everything Jongseob was telling him was all correct.

"i've told you time and time again, over and over and over... feelings have an expiration date Hyung and i really hope you haven't passed on your chances"

Seob finishes, tanding up and dropping his dishes into the sink before disappearing upstairs, Theo sitting in silence once again as he lets his younger brothers words sync in..

a deep but almost inaudible sigh leaving his mouth.

"i really hope so too....."

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