"My water broke." Billy's eyes widened and he went and got my dad for help

They took me to dads car instead of the Camaro because it will help us get there faster

"See I told you, induces labor." Billy sat in the backseat with me so he could comfort me

"It's okay." I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut and squeezed Billy's hand as hard as I could

"It hurts." Billy kissed me on top of the head while he rubbed his hand on my stomach

"It'll be alright." Billy wrapped his arm around my shoulder holding me close in comfort

"We are almost to the hospital." I screamed in pain then I kicked the back of hops chair

"Fuck!" I started to cry out in pain then hopper pulled into the drop off area

"Take her inside get signed in and I'll be inside in a minute." Billy opened the door and tried to help me inside but I couldn't hardly walk so he just picked me up bridal style

We got signed into the hospital and they got me into a room

"Okay Ms hopper we have the epidural needle ready if you want it, we highly recommend it for someone as young as you." I nodded and they sat me up so they can put the needle in

They left the room and Billy grabbed my hand kissing my knuckles

"Do you think the girls would be fine in the waiting room alone?" I looked over at Billy and he shook his head

"No, there's to many creeps in Hawkins that could take them." I nodded and leaned my head back on the pillow

"I just really think my dad should be in here for the birth of his granddaughter." Billy nodded and I yawned because just sitting here is kinda boring

"So, how do you feel about becoming a daddy?" Billy smiled up at me and shrugged his shoulders

"I don't know. I'm excited about it for sure. I can't wait to have a little girl." I sighed because I could see right through the act he put up for me and looked at billy with sadness

"I know what this is really about." Billy raised his eyebrows "Your scared your gonna be like him."

"No, no, no that's crazy." I gave Billy the look and he immediately looked so sad "What if she hates me like I hate him."

"She won't cause I know your gonna be an amazing father." I smirked and the doctor came in to see if I was fully dilated which I was

She told me to start pushing so I did and man did it hurt

Billy held me hand and help hold my leg, occasionally pressing kisses to my forehead

I screamed in pain but then I heard the little cry of a baby so I started to laugh because it was finally over

They handed Billy a pair of scissors and had him cut the umbilical cord

They wrapped her up in a blanket and put her in my arms

"She's so pretty." After a while they took her to clean her off and everything

~time skip~

Billy is holding our little girl in his arms and smiling down at her

The door opened and we looked to see Hop, El, and Max at the door

"Hey." They waved then walked in the room and closed the door behind them

"How you feeling?" Hopper walked over to me and moved the hair out of my face

"Okay." He smiled and then his eyes landed on his granddaughter

"What did you name her?" Me and Billy looked at each other and smiled then I looked back up at my dad

"Sarah grace Hargrove." Hop's face relaxed into a soft smile

"You really loved your sister didn't you." I nodded then looked over at El

"Now I have a sister just as good." She smiled then gave me a hug

"Hopper, do you want to hold her?" Hop nodded and walked around the bed on the side where Billy is and Billy handed her to him

"You know she looks nothing like you (Y/n)." My mouth fell open and I shook my head

"Yeah it really feels nice to be pregnant for nine months and be in labor for like twenty hours and push out a baby just for people to say she looks nothing like me." Hip shrugged and looked back down at Sarah

"Where did you come up with grace?" I looked at Billy then back up at my dad

"It's Billy's moms name." Hopper nodded and then he started talking to the baby

"Your such a pretty little girl." Every time he talked to her she would shuffle around in his arms

"You don't know it yet but you're already loved so much." I giggled and Billy grabbed my hand to get my attention

"I love you." I smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss

"I love you too, Billy." He smiled at me and then we just kept watching my dad walk and talk to our baby

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