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fun facts

Lucie saw Evie wandering around in Emilia's yard for a week straight and just decided to bring her inside one day because by this point she was emotionally attached

Evie is named after Laura in a way which I will now explain- Lucie didn't want to outright name her Laura and she considered Laurie but thought that if she ever reunited with Laura, it would weird to call both Laura Laurie and the cat Laurie so she though about Laura's last name, Easton, and the first E name to come to mind was Evie

Laura got Roger as her first Christmas gift with the Edwards-O'Malleys because when they first asked her what she wanted all she said was "frog" and then went back to probably reading a murder mystery

both Lucie and Laura love murder mysteries and so does Danny

Danny does skateboarding and rollerblading because she's cool like that

both Danny and Mae absolutely love roller coasters and just amusement park rides in general, front seat every time on every ride

Maxxie also very much loves roller coasters

as for Selena, she can take them or leave them. she refuses to ride the really tall or really fast ones though

Valeria texts Althea at least every couple of days just to see how she's doing

when Althea doesn't answer for several days, that's when Valeria calls her

Valeria has phone anxiety

Valeria honestly has absolutely no idea whatsoever as to what she'd do without Charlie

Natalia is also very much loves roller coasters

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