Hooded Figure POV

We flew using my quirk toward the stronghold where the children in my arms could be checked out. They were terrified, and rightfully so. I've seen what the kill squads do to people. Their brutality goes unchecked. I look over at my partner, Shoto Todoroki. His beard greying. He's been through hell ever since the Anit-Quirk Nationalists began their quest to end all quirk users. And even with that, he took me under his wing after my master lost his life.

Todoroki "Hey, when we get back, get them to the medical tents. I'm going to report this to Yaoyorozu." He was still looking forward.

Hooded Figure "Got it. Not much to report though." I looked over at him to see him deep in thought. 'What could he be thinking about? I shouldn't pry though. He's been through a lot.'

We continue to fly over the ruined city. Our ruined city. I was born before things turned for the worse. My family and I were quirkless so we were spared during the initial encampments. Most quirkless people were glad that the Anti-Quirk Nationalists were doing what they were, finally being able to get back at the society that had been against them since the rise of quirks. However, some, the people that had been saved by heroes, stood against the party. My family was a part of that group. Though this fighting led to my parents being brutally killed, the same as a person with a quirk. I remember the day it happened... the day I joined the fight.


It was a cold winter night, darkness surrounded me as I sat in the back corner of the closet. Mom and Dad had told me to hide in here after some mean men in weird armor busted down our front door. I heard a bunch of yelling and screaming a bit ago but now it's silent. I feel the warm tears roll down my face. I go to peek my head through the gap in the door. I quickly retreat back into the closet when I see the door opening. I cower in fear.

The footsteps begin to slowly get closer to the closet before the door opens slowly. I'm too afraid to look until a voice pierces the silence.

??? "Hey, it's okay now kiddo. Because I am here." The voice was kind, it soothed me a bit. I look up to see a man with green hair and green eyes looking at me with the kindest smile I've ever seen. "So what's your name? I'm Deku."

I look at the man in front of me and begin to break down crying. I feel him envelop me in a hug, attempting to comfort me. He attempts to shush me but it doesn't work that well.

Deku "Alright, well hold on tight. We can play the name game later, right now we need to leave." I then feel a rush of cold air. I look to see us flying in the air, the tears stopping as I hold onto Deku amazed at the view. Even if it was a city in chaos. It still held a beauty to it. 

After a short flight. I am let down and look to see a small camp-like area. Deku holds onto my hand and leads me to what looks like a medical tent. I look up at him.

??? "Y/N." Deku looks at me.

Deku "Huh? What was that?"

Y/N "You asked for my name. It's Y/N." Deku smiles at me.

Deku "It's nice to meet you Y/N." I smiled back at him.


Todoroki and I landed in the Resistance camp. Once we did, he split off to go report the fight. I took the two children to see the medical team.

Y/N "Hey, what's your guys' names? I'm Y/N." The little boy looks up at me the girl still cowering.

Boy "I'm Tameo. This is my sister Moko." I lower my head and smile at the children.

Y/N "Well, it's nice to meet the both of you. I'm sorry for what happened earlier, but you guys are safe here." Tameo smiled at me but Moko was still weary of the situation. I felt terrible, had I been a few seconds earlier I could have saved their parents as well. But I can't dwell on things like that right now. Maybe later I can deal with the mental trauma.

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