Prologue - 2178

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Smoke filled the skies above the burning city of Musutafu. A city, once filled with bright futures for the youth that attended UA, now brought to nothing but rubble after the many battles it lay witness to. The old ruins that were UA are now an encampment for the captured quirk users who await their fates at the hands of the Anti-Quirk Nationalists. The streets of the city were even worse for those with quirks. Those found were immediately put down like animals. The resistance of heroes could only do so much as the powers of the world fought against them. 

Through the smoke, there is a Quirk Kill Squad clearing the ruins of an apartment complex. They had suspected that there were quirk users within the building and were under orders to kill on sight. Little to their knowledge, they were being watched by two individuals on the rooftops.

Kill Squad Leader POV

My squad and I were clearing the building of any quirk users. We were under orders by the commander to kill on sight, not that I had any problem with that. I look at my squadmates, their dark armor covered in soot from the fights beforehand. Our anti-material rifles are aimed in front as we clear the rooms near us. One of them begins to speak.

Kill Squad 1 "Sir. Do we know how many of these bastards are in here?" James. He was the newest on our squad, and always trigger-happy. The Kill Squad position works out well for him.

Kill Squad Leader "No, but if we know anything about these insects. If there's one there's bound to be more nearby. So stay focused." We continued down the hallway until suddenly, Terrance called out.

Terrance "TWO QUIRK USERS THROUGH THE DOOR!" His voice was followed by gunfire. I move past my squad, looking into the room to see two people on the ground, bullet holes riddling their chests.

Kill Squad Lead "Good shots. Look around, they might have hidden more around this floor." The squad continues through the room, making sure to check every nook and hidden space that might be able to hide a person. "Hmm, all clear, let's head to the next room." We begin to walk out of the room, but I stop when I hear a small whimper. I pull out my pistol and slowly walk toward where I heard the noise. 'Huh, a hidden compartment in the wall, smart.' I begin to open the door when suddenly, the window next to me breaks.

James "SHIT, HEROS AT TWELVE O'CLOCK!" We begin to open fire at the individual but purple smoke fills the room.

Kill Squad Lead "Cease Fire! Everyone get close, don't need the bogeyman here taking us out one by one." I go back to back with one of my squadmates and take aim in front of me. Eventually, the smoke clears and I see my entire squad has been taken out. "What?" was all I could get out before being hit by what felt like a train. It was a quick pain and then... nothing.


The hooded individual had just punched the leader of the kill squad, likely killing him with that blow. He looks at the other squad members, some dead, some heavily injured from the power of his blows.

??? "I really didn't mean to kill them. But I suppose there wasn't a choice." The hooded figure walks over to the hidden wall compartment to find two small children cowering within. Both have small antlers spiked from their hair. "Hey, you'll be okay. I am here to help you." The children seem to calm down a bit at this. "Do me a favor and close your eyes." They do so and the hooded male picks up the children before hopping out of the window.

He flew up to the building where another individual with dual-colored hair awaits him.

???2 "It all go okay?" the individual asked the hooded hero. "I heard some gunshots. Are you injured at all?"

??? "No, I'm fine, just these two seem shaken up. I'm not sure of their injuries but we can check that back at the stronghold." The individual nodded and the two jumped away leaving the building with the death that is inside. Little did either know, the Kill Squad Leader had a small flashing red light on his gauntlet.

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