Start from the beginning

Just as she heads out Jimmy begins introducing her to the audience.

Our first guest tonight so happens be the new girl on the daytime tv block. She's the host of her very own talkshow , she's also a model that recently grace the cover of Vogue please welcome Serenity Crawford.

The audience claps as Serenity makes her way to the stage she stops to greet Guillermo. She heads over to Jimmy as he stands up giving her a hug as Serenity takes her seat

 She heads over to Jimmy as he stands up giving her a hug as Serenity takes her seat

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"Welcome Serenity glad to have you on the show"

"Thank you for have me Jimmy" Serenity spoke as one of the audience members shouted making her do a a double take.

"You look great" they shouted as Jimmy pointed towards their direction asking who they was referring to either him or Serenity causing the audience to laugh.

The audience responded saying Serenity's name causing her to blush a little.

"Thank you you're too kind. I just threw this together to be honest I had no idea what I was going to wear to be honest with you" Serenity shrugged.

"Well you look great" Jimmy further compliments her.

"Thank you Jimmy, you look great as well and you too Guillermo" Serenity pointed out as the audience cheers.

As the audience settles down Jimmy began a talking with Serenity and asking her questions.

"So how's life going seems like you're in high demand these days"

"Oh yes it's busy, you know how it is I'm taking it day by day. I'm grateful for the opportunities that comes my way. I have no plans to slow down it'll be 2 years since the show premiered and it's crazy to think time really flies by"

"I got to say you seem to really blown the audience since you premiered. I was reading up on your show and apparently you hold the record for most watch daytime talk show passing shows like the view that held that title for almost a decade how does that make feel?

"Oh gosh I'm not sure how to feel. I was unaware of that until you mentioned it. I just want to say that I'm grateful that people tune in and watch the show I'm nothing without the supports whether they watch at home, come and watch live or wait out in the crowd after the show wraps I'm entirely grateful. I come into contact with different guest each week and have show great conversations on and off screen. And I love the ladies over at The View I hope they're not too upset at me. I love my job and beyond grateful to going into work each week, It's been a journey to say the least.

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