Chapter Two

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We walk into a nearby coffee shop and order a Chai Latte for me and a Hot Chocolate for Kate. We go and sit down and wait for our drinks.

"It's getting dark now." I say as I point out the window, to the sky.

"What a beautiful sunset." Kate smiles while looking through coloured glass, as well.

"Do you think it will work?" I ask her.

"What?" Kate asks me back, with a chill voice.

"The lotto ticket."

"For sure we have as much luck as the next guy" she says with a little laugh.

I just smile back and laugh a little too. If this lotto ticket works we can finally go to England. I want to go and this ticket might be the answer!

The waitress walks over with our hot drinks and we walk out the the café up the road.

As the cold, autumn breeze pushes against my face. My long brown hair tails behind me, while Kate's Braid stays perfectly fine as she likes it too.

We get to the bus stop and sit down with a drinks almost done in our hands as the sky keeps getting darker.

Bus 56 came and we got the bus to our apartment. When we got to our place we rushed through the door and quickly turned on the TV.

"Ok, so what movie?" Kate asked, doing jazz hand things.

"I don't know, you pick."

"Oh come on Mia, no fun!" She said acting like a baby to get her point through.

"Fine..." I say rolling my eyes, "how about The Hunger Games or Divergent?"

She just shakes her head, then a look of brightness appears on her face, "How about Pitch Perfect! The new one is coming out soon!"

"Ok then, we with watch Pitch Perfect." I say as I laugh at her reaction, of a little dance. "Will it be done before the lotto?"

"Yeah he should be so we'll watch it and eat dinner before it starts"

"Ok" I reply, "I'm just putting on the noodles now, they will be ready soon."

Kate puts the disc in the DVD player and turns it on, then hearing the microwave go off.

I quickly get up and speed walk over to the kitchen and grab the two bowls of chicken noodles. I then rush over to the coffee table in front of the couch and place the noodles down on it.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Starving!" She jokes. "Mmm your a great cook" she giggles as she takes a big slurp.

"Haha very funny, but thank you" I laugh with sarcasm, "Ohhh yay it's starting!"

We watched Pitch Perfect till just after 8pm, then put on channel 7 in time for the lotto.

"What's our numbers?" I ask Kate as I look over her shoulder at the ticket.

"23 22 58 49 12"

"Ok, let's get Lucky!" I say with excitement.

"Hello, tonight on 7 Lotto you have a chance to win up to 2 million dollars! Keep watching and see if your the lucky winner!" The weird lady on the television said.

"Let's see" Kate laughs.

"The numbers are in! Here we go!" The person says like a moron, "49!"

"Oh we got that!" I giggle.


"Yeah..." I say with a 'continue' look on my face.


"Omg we got that too!" Kate points at the TV.


"Holy Shit!" I shout.

"Lucky last..."

"Ahhhhhh!" Kate yells.

"12!" The last days last while we just sit there.

For a few second there is silence and I don't say anything.

"What. The. Hell. Just. Happened!" I say as Kate jumps up and down the couch.

"Bullshit! Bullshit!" Kate keeps repeating, "we frickin jut won 2 million dollars!"



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