The Proposal 2.0

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Words don't describe what he is to me, a mere crush to some, a silly love to some others but the truth is he is everything to me. He is my oxygen. I don't know what I would do without him.

One look from him, just one tiny glance from him is all it takes to drive me crazy. I can't even think anymore. My brain will die just by looking at him. Looking at his eyes makes my knees go weak. Omg, trust me he doesn't know the effect on people he meets. May be he does it intentionally to tease people.

About him, umm, He talks a lot. Like really a lot. And my favorite thing to do is getting lost in his eyes while he talks. When he talks, when he laughs, when he's angry, my favorite thing is getting lost in him, his eyes, his lips, his face expression. I just smile at whatever thing he is doing because I just love him too much. Love him at everything he does. Don't get me wrong, I don't get these feelings to any others when they talk to me. Just him. Even when he is talking to others, I love watching him.

He had a lotta fangirls when we were in college. Lots of girls eyeing him and I'm not even bothered by that, you know why? Because he has eyes only for me. Whenever I'm not by his side, his eyes always searches for mine. He don't give a fxcking care on any other girls, just me. And he never failed to prove his love to me. He is always been my rock.

Funny thing is when we talk about something serious, we say the same lines at exactly the same time. Not just once, it happened like a million times since we met. And the songs he used to hear are exactly the same as me. Those Alec Benjamin songs are our fav. Even the food cravings are just the same.  I don't know how it became like that. I don't know but yeah some are just God's own personal gifts to us just like he is. He is the God's personal gift, to me.

The door suddenly opened and came a voice. A familiar voice.
"Are you ready baby? Shall we go?"

So many years passed and still I'm in love with his voice. Who am I kidding. I love all of him. And I thank God for not giving him to anybody else but me. Just me.


I shook my head out of whatever trance I'm in and smiled at him "Yes hubby. Let's go"!

He smiled back at me and laced our fingers together.


I was listening to some songs repeatedly for a few days and somehow it made me write again. Like I said in the description, lot of words were jumping out of my brain and I couldn't contain all of it. So I decided to write again. Like around 12am or 1 am.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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