The Beginning Of the Fall

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A teenage girl was living with her mother and stepfather. She had never known her father and wouldn't until one day that wasn't far away from her.

This teenage girl was named Y/N Aretz, she was a 13 year old girl. Her last name was different from her parents and siblings because Kirsten didn't want to separate her from her father.

She has no idea who her actual father is and feels left out since her siblings have their last name. She thought she was adopted for quite awhile until she found out from her Kirsten that she was not.

Y/N had a hard time trusting her own mother since she would never tell her who her father is. Coincidentally she would watch his youtube videos everyday and never miss one, when she was grounded she would borrow Blair's phone, log into her account and watch the video she could have possibly missed that day.

Y/N didn't like her stepfather, Gregory. He doesn't pay as much attention to her as his actual kids because he "clearly doesn't care about her".

He is more devoted to his own kids that he created with Kirsten than some teenager who just felt like a burden added to their life. He wouldn't even ask her about grades, school, or life in general to her it felt like he just shut a door on her that he would never open.

Kirsten didn't even notice this behavior and she at least talked to Y/N any chance she got.

Y/N's relationship with her half-siblings was kind of a mixed bag, Blair was happy having a sister and so was Y/N but Gregory kept them separated by him spending more time with his own kids making Y/N feel left out.

Y/N never mentioned it and Blair didn't notice anything unordinary but maybe if she wasn't so oblivious to everything around her she would actually ask about it. Who knows how Gregory would respond he never planned to interact with Y/N anyway.

Blair was also nice enough to let Y/N borrow her phone to watch those videos when Gregory grounded her, as mentioned before.

How did Y/N get grounded without being told anything? Well Kirsten told her that she was grounded by himself. Yeah, they didn't interact that much.

Now Lex was a nerd always reading books but not just any books, books always about knowledge. Y/N finds him so boring especially when they sit in silence and he decides its the perfect time to speak about his recent findings.

It's almost like a knowledge check. He's into science and that's mostly all he researches about. Y/N is interested to hear about it but sometimes he doesn't ever stop talking about the stuff he finds in his "nerdy" books and he can't find friends because of it and it's really sad.

It annoys Blair and Justin to death but Kirsten and Gregory as parents have to pretend they're interested.

Speaking of Justin he was the most popular boy at school all the girls wanted him. Y/N thought he was just vain since being popular meant you were only good for your looks.

She was surprised he didn't even get a girlfriend yet and so was Blair. Only Blair made fun of him for that and Lex didn't have a opinion on anyone since he didn't socialize and most of the time sat around the house reading books.

"Time for supper!" Kirsten called up the stairs to the children's bedrooms

Blair was the first one to run out and down to the table.

Y/N stopped her youtube video and walked down the biege stairs to the dinner when she saw Gregory she was about to walk back up the stairs but she would have noticed how suspicious that looked.

He usually doesn't always eat with them but if Y/N remembered it was a weekend today she wouldn't have went downstairs.

"Finally. I'm hungry" Justin pushed Y/N out the way and sat down at the table in front of his father

"He really wants to be his father..." Y/N thought

She was right he truly did, he wants to impress his father more than his mother and make him proud which was hard to do.

Now the only thing missing is that he has to ignore Y/N's entire existence, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard for him since he pushed her out the way and didn't look back.

"Are you gonna eat?" Kirsten asked

It looked she was asking Y/N so she answered, "I-"

"I'm coming let me just finish this chapter mom" Lex said from the hallway

Y/N turned around and noticed who she was talking to.

"Okay hurry up sweetie" Kirsten said as she set up the kid's plates

Y/N was struck by this and wondered if she should just go upstairs like no one would notice.

Lex walked down and Y/N saw he was reading the next chapter of his book of god knows what. Y/N began walking up the stairs and back to her bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Kirsten asked

Y/N turned around slowly and said, "To my room, I'm not hungry"

"You have to eat, you haven't came out of your room all day" Kirsten insisted holding up a plate of food to tempt her to eat

Y/N turned around and continued walking to her bedroom, she went in and closed the door behind her.

"Nobody cares if I eat or not" Y/N thought to herself

This was only true for one person, Gregory.

Y/N sat in her bed and got on her phone she felt so alone even if she was surrounded by her "family".

YouTube to her felt like a escape from her reality where she was living with a stepfather who didn't acknowledge her existence at all and a mother who thought everything was alright.

At least in return she was nice enough to make her room look pretty and pink. But compared to Blair's, Justin's, or Lex's (although Lex's room was basic, just filled with books on all the walls) it was nothing, and it was smaller with less space.

Y/N is convinced it was once a supply closet, her bed literally reached from one side of the room almost to the other. She had a desk that was for her desktop she used to have, you could probably guess what happened to that.

Her walls had a big pink stripe with basic white surrounding the rest. She had pictures hanging on the wall of, not her family, but her friends and Blair. Y/N remembered how they took that photo like it was yesterday.

It was a girls night out and Kirsten wanted a photo of all them but didn't know how to take the photo with the timer on so just took a photo of Blair and Y/N. She was glad Kirsten wasn't in it she would have probably threw the photo away. Blair had it hanging on her wall too.

There wasn't much more to Y/N's room other than that she was glad to have it but it could have been bigger.

Y/N checked youtube and realized that she already watched Flamingo's recent video so she decided to watch something else like a show she was binge watching.

While she was watching it though, she heard her door silently open and paused her video.

Y/N turned around and saw her mother standing in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" Kirsten asked

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked confused

"You didn't eat anything today, is something going on?"

"Nothing and if there was it's really none of your business" Y/N wouldn't have said that before but she was tired of being only noticed when she did something wrong and not when something was wrong with her mentally or physically

"Y/N, I'm your mother I deserve to know what's going on" Kirsten said slightly offended that her daughter would ever say that to her

"You don't deserve anything from me" Y/N got up from her bed and slammed her door shut

As she walked away from the door she could hear Kirsten crying but it went away as she walked back downstairs. She went back to watching youtube videos, until she calmed down, and fell asleep.

That was how the nights usually always ended for her.

A/N: I didn't add much just changed it to Y/N this story might take awhile to bring Albert into it but he will appear eventually for now he will just be in the YouTube video's Y/N watches. Thanks for reading the first chapter!

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