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You are a person going by the name Y/n. You have many problems, but watching Youtube fixes them all.

Your favorite Youtuber is Flamingo. You have massive hyper-fixations about him. You know people ship him with a person going by the name Denis. So you start watching him too.

One day you wake up as Denis himself. You decide to hide the truth from Denis's friends. After all, they are your idols. You don't want them to treat you like a fan.

You struggle with many different problems.

And so you find out the truth about Albert and Denis's relationship while being a young 15-year-old asexual.

Your mental health is in a very bad situation too.

TW: this story will contain trauma,
Blood (There may be some places where the character cut themself but not in self harm way) Mental disorder, and depression.

Original idea.

I use Grammarly for my mistakes.

If any of the YouTubers are uncomfortable with any of this I will take it down as soon as I can.

I will post randomly, but you will get at least one chapter in 2-3weeks.

If you find any spelling mistakes feel free to inform me.

By the way, if you like this story you should check the other story called "adopted by Albert/Flamingo".

The strange life of youtuber (Flamingo and Denis)Where stories live. Discover now