Gone, gone, gone

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Following Mo'at into the Omaticaya's place of stay had been quite the experience of little Syulang, while the rainforest was similar to the jungle it was still undeniably different. But she couldn't bring herself to feel discomforted by the fact. The rainforest, as she'd come to find out was far more humid than the jungle, the trees were thicker and there wasn't the constant fear that a Txumre' was watching her from afar.

It was refreshing. The joy of meeting new people, plants and animals brought her nothing but joy. Her little adventure was stopped by the sound of people murmuring between eachother, after all, what were jungle dwellers and an Anurai doing here especially with the state of their world.

Before she could feel upset about the obvious judgment and curiosity her family was being subjected to, two Ikran accompanied by their riders made their presence know. As soon as they landed, people cheered, they seemed happy at the return of the two individuals. The first of the two fyeyntu who stole her attention was the woman.

Tstunwi'syu's POV

She was nothing short of beautiful, not in an extravagant way, but in a way that looking at her felt like a gift from Eywa herself. She held herself strong, but she also looked reserved, almost shy under the gaze of her people and the newcomers before her. I was in awe of her, "she's so pretty" I thought with my ears perked up. I then looked at the man next to her.

He was also quite the beauty, very handsome for sure. He was taller than the woman next to her but not too above average. He had fuzzy hairs above his smaller than average eyes. I knew all of my peoples stories, I realized that I was in the presence of a tawtute, or at least he appeared to be. I felt a shiver run up my spine, it was weird seeing someone who looked so much like me but also so different. Not quite right, one too many fingers and eyes too small to be natural. I reminded myself to breath and reminded myself, "he wouldn't be here if Eywa hadn't accepted him as her child, get a grip Syulang" I internally scolded myself.

Something told me that he was far more important than just a tawtute in body that wasn't his own.

The man was slightly aged with a body that made me crave a hug from him. He was muscular, more than forest/jungle people were.

Him and the woman quickly made their way to the Tsahik, each greeting her in their particular way.

The woman gestured to her forehead with a quiet "I see you're well sa'nok." The voice slightly rough but soothing to the ears. My tail twitched in approval, "she sounds like I thought she would." I internally cheered. The man next to her, said his own greetings, with an accent I'd never heard before, "Oel ngati kamie, Mo'at" his pronunciation was good, but a little clunky though the words came out with practiced ease.

"Ma'ite, JakeSully, we have visitors from the Anurai and Tipani. Let us discuss this further." Her tone was warm but firm, they'd have to put whatever they wanted to do to the side for a moment.

Bags in hand, my parents and I made our way to a spare Marui deeper in the forest.

The adults sat in a circle as I feigned interest in the unfinished necklace I had pulled out.

Mo'at was the one to initiate conversation, looking at my parents, urging them to introduce themselves, but Jake seemed to the most curious so he asked, "nga za'u ftu peseng?" I stiffed a laugh at the accent, it was so cute to me I couldn't even explain why.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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