Chap 1.

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Near Shore
"New Students?"


Students begun to whisper to each other mostly girls talking about the new students wanting to know if its gonna be a boy

And with Our dear Yashiro who is now talking to her friends wanting to know more about this transfer students

"Okay class back to your chair!"A teacher come in making everyone go to their chair or fix their posture

"Im gonna announce the new students so treat them nicely alright?You can come in now"The door open beside the teacher making everyone heads turn on the door waiting for the said students

A bou walked and stood beside the teacher he is mostly likely at the same age as theirs as he held his bag on the shoulders while one of his was on his pockets

His long wavy black hair stood out the most and with his canines tooth

"Keisuke Baji Nice to meet you all"He introduced himself as he slightly bowed his glasses almost falling off making him grabbed it with awkwardness

"Yosh!sit beside Y/n-san,Y/n please raise your hand"A hand was raised making the teacher and the new students look at her

She had the long (H/C) that stood out the most as she let it fall on her shoulders she had a cute ribbon tied on the back of her hair while she let her bangs ok the front

She wear the same uniform as the others except for the ribbon broach that was given to her by her friend

Baji Keisuke went over to the said girl and sit beside her,she smile at him while he grabbed his notebooks

"And no talking in the class talk to the new students once class is dismissed alright"Everyone answered with an 'Okay!' and went back to their lessons


"Keisuke-kun want to have lunch with us?" "Keisuke-san come join us!" "Kyah! you're so handsome!"

Pile of students was now bombarding Keisuke with a lot of questions and invitations as he remain stiff and steady

"Keisuke-kun what school are you from before you enrolled here?"

"Keisuke-kun where do you live!?"

"Keisuke-san join the club you will make a greater one!"

One by one students pile up even more with others on the different class and rooms wanting to know about this Transfer Student

"Hey!there is another Transfer Students!!"


Some students went on the other way wanting to see the other Transfer Students

"The other one was cute and handsome!!!"

"Kyahh!do you think they know each other?"

Baji stand up on his seat making the students look up from him he sigh and went out if the classroom

"Geez..he a shy one"

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