Chapter 13 (planning)

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Note: I might post these late often, and I'm really sorry about that, so I hope I can make this one long.


♦️selever + julius♥️

♥️Me and my beloved eat the pasta that his mom made. As I expected, it was delicious, anything from selevers mom is delicious! I happily nom on my food while I hear selevers mom teasing his dad in the background. Although I wonder if selever will want me to leave at some point. From the way he had told me not to leave, it felt like I would never be able to leave his house. Will he want me to go back to my apartment eventually? I've won on a lottery ticket a 1,000,000 dollars, that was the only way I was able to afford that apartment. But with me staying with selever every day. I think I'll be able to use the rest of my money on better things than on my apartment, sense it feels like I'm living here with him. I decided to ask selever after dinner if he'd like to go shopping with me, I would be able to buy him anything he wants. It's like giving rent to the land lord, but instead of money, it's a lot of free things bought with it. I hope he will say yes, I really want to make him happy for being my first ever friend.
♦️I think on what I will need to use to kill the Connor kid with, I wonder if I do have anything to actually kill him with. I do have the pocket knife julius had gotten me a long time ago. But I'm not sure if I want to use it. If I want to kill this kid by tomorrow, I will need to get some supplies from the store to make this happen. I'm not going to let him take julius away from me. I realize that I have gotten softer on julius, I feel like I don't act like myself often anymore. But if he's the one for me, than I'll do anything to keep and have him. Although, what if he gets sad over this guy, will he never be able to love anyone else again? Would killing this guy really hurt him, I don't want him to get upset over his death. But it would let me be able to calm him down and show him how caring I could be. I guess my final decision, will be to kill this guy and make julius notice me more by comforting him if he dose get upset over him.I hope he doesn't find out if that I did it, I don't want him to be afraid of me. I will have to make it look like somebody else did it if I never want him to find out.
♥️"Done! I'm gonna get some more pasta, is that okay sarvente?"
"Of-course you can get some more pasta, just not to much!"
♥️"Okay! I won't get to much, I'll just get a little bit more."
♦️I realize that I had bin staring at my empty plate, I had finished it without noticing thanks to thoughts, I quickly say to julius,
"Hey, can you refill mine to, I finished mine as well."
♥️"Of-course sel! Happy to for you, give me it."
♦️I hand julius my plate, as I did, we both touched each other's hands, I feel my face turn a bit red. He takes the plate while looking another direction. I feel like I messed up and that he's uncomfortable now.
♥️ I have to look away to make sure selever doesn't notice I'm blushing, although he said,
♦️"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."
♥️"What umm you didn't make me uncomfortable, you just made me nervous he-he."
♦️"Then why did you look away?"
♥️I face selever, even tho I was blushing still, and said,
"Really it's nothing, don't worry about!"
Saying with a smile.
♦️I still hate that stupid smile he always makes, but this time, I see it with him...blushing...I liked it. I felt like he was lying to me now about how he liked Connor, he looked at me, and blushed!? He would have to like me if he were to blush! Dose that, well...I don't think it means he likes me right? I don't know anymore. I hadn't notice that my plate was in front of me, and I started to eat more pasta. Julius was in his chair to eating as well, he kept looking at his plate, but his face was still red. I'm starting to think this bitch might love my moms food a little to much now, why is he blushing at his fucking food? I think he might just be thinking about someone to, DAMIT! WHO THE HELL DOSE HE LIKE!? CONNOR, ME, OR FUCKING PASTA! UGH, I'm never even gonna fucking know who the hell this dumb bitch likes, I notice that I was eating air, and stoped looking like an idiot. I had finished my food and was just fucking eating PURE ASS AIR! I get up from we're I sitting and start to wash my dish.
♥️I look at selever and noticed he looked really stressed out, I decided to say,
"Hey selever, are you okay? You look like you were doing a really hard math problem."
♦️"I'm fine, just thinking about dumb shit."
♥️"Oh okay, just wanna know!"
I noticed that selevers parents were gone and decided to say,
"Do you wanna cuddle again when we go back upstairs, or do you wanna go out before we have to go to bed for school?"
♦️"You wanna take me out somewhere, we'll I mean it's not dark yet."
♥️"Yeah! Just a quick stroll thru some stores and we could come back and go to bed!"
♦️"Sounds like a fun time, alright, we can go out together."
♦️"Only if my mom lets us go out tho."
♦️"Sorry but we have to ask her first,"
♥️"Okay fine, let's go ask when we finish with our plates."
I get up and go to the sink we're selever was still washing his plate. I went next to him and start to wash my plate, I start to blush a bit sense we were kinda close to each other. Sel moves a little bit closer to me and puts his plate in the water and rinse's it. I was gonna do the same after he took it out, he finished rinsing and put his plate away and I put mine in the water. Although instead of going to ask his parents if we could go out, he puts his arms around my waist from behind and leans on my back. My face starts to turn red as fuck and I start to shake, he quickly lets go and I stop.
"Don't worry, you can hold me, you just made me a little nervous."
♦️"We'll okay, if you say so."
♥️He puts his arms back around me and leans on my back again, I start to giggle a bit, but hide it. I'm glad that selever acts like this around me. I'm happy he's comfortable doing this and doesn't feel uncomfortable. It makes me wanna just kiss his soft beautiful face. Although I think I'm only able to do that when he's asleep. I finish cleaning my plate and put it away.
"We can go ask your mom now sel, you can let go now."
♦️"Right, let's go and see if we can."
We head upstairs we're my mom and dads room is and knock on the door.
"Come in!"
We both hear and open the door, we saw my mom on her and my dads bed while my dad had fell asleep on her lap. I ask if we can go out before going to sleep for school sense there was still light outside. She replied with,
"Of-course! Just be back before ten okay boys?"
♦️We head down stares and out the church doors. We start heading tword the city. Once we got there we had started going to different stores, mostly to ones I wanted to go to for my murder plans. After we had finished we had started to head home, felt kinda exhausted after all the walking from store to store, I said,
"Could you help me with all these bags? There all really heavy and I'm tired as fuck, I feel like I'm about to fall over, so could you?"
♥️"I could do better, just give me the bags and then stay still!"
♦️"Umm, okay if you say so,"
I hand julius the bags I was holding and then stood still, he then picked me up and carried me while heading back. I blush on how strong he was that he was able to carry 12 bags and me all at the same time. I started to wonder if he had abs, man I'd be dead if he did. He carried me all the way home and held me in one arm when he had to open the church doors, god damn this bitch had to be Jacked if he would be able hold me in one arm. He carried me all the way until we reached my room, he put me down and opened the door for me to walk in. Once me and him were inside we start to get all the stuff we bought together and took what was ours. After that we changed into cloths to go to bed in. I chose a white shirt and some black shorts, julius chose a blue shirt and a small pair of gray shorts. To be honest I liked how he looked. We headed into bed on our sides and started talking,
♥️"So how do you think tomorrow at school will go?"
♦️"It will probably be very fucking boring for the both of us."
♥️"Agreed, what do you think they'll be serving at lunch?"
♦️"I'm not sure, they usually serve something shitty for lunch on Mondays."
♥️"True, at least some times they serve burgers on Mondays, those are alway good for me to eat!"
♦️"I'm sure any type of food is good for your taste buds."
♥️"Not every food, I told you that your moms food is something delicious I've never ever fucking tasted before."
♦️"Sorry I forgot, I only have ever tasted her food."
♥️"Actually, why do you only eat your moms food? Why do you throw up any other food you eat?"
♦️"It's because I developed my dads picky eating habit, I hate the fact I did because I think that every food except my moms is poisoned or disgusting. I also think that might be the case because of him now, so that's why I only eat my moms food. Because of my stupid fucking peace of shit dad."
♥️"Damn, is that why you hate him so much?"
♦️"Oh no, there is so many more fucking reasons why I hate that stupid old man I have to call dad! He's really shy tword my mom, he's a very annoying bitch, he talks to me like nothings rong, he made me and my sister wait-,..."
♥️"Umm, wait what?"
♥️"you okay selever? Is it a sensitive topic? If so then we don't have to discuss it okay, don't worry about it at all okay?"
♥️"Okay then, how about we just head to bed now? How dose that sound?"
♦️"...yeah...that sounds good, let's just go to bed now please. Can we cuddle?"
♥️"Aww, of-course! You know I don't mind cuddling with you!"
We start to cuddle and get comfy, as we both slowly start to fall asleep in each other's warm, comforting, soft, comfortable arms, and I purr away.❤️

—to be continued—

Love at first sight(selever x julius)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon