chapter 1

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The Alpha roughly kissed the little Omega on the lips and bit the Omega's tongue asking for entrance, the omega opened his mouth in fear of thinking what the Alpha would do if he didn't. The Alpha took off the Omega's clothes and threw him on the bed, he started to kiss the omega everywhere leaving dark red Marks allover .

The Alpha reached to the Omega's favorite part and started to kiss his thighs and after started to eat the omega out trying to take every piece of the omega. When the Alpha started to suck on the Omega's sweet spot,the omega couldn't help but moan .

They spent the rest of the night moaning together in pleasure.

The next day:

The omega woke up first and went to take a shower. He did his skin routine first then went in his closet to see what he should wear for a long boring day at work.

His outfit :

His outfit :

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High heels:


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It's was a long day of work and Felix came home a little late ,the maids opened the door for him and he just said "hello" and walked straight to the bedroom to his surprise when he opened the door he saw his alpha having sex with another a female omega, Felix didn't know how to react to this other than to kill the omega that was sleeping with his alpha. Felix felt betrayed,his own beloved husband cheated on him. He stared at them having sex right Infront him and not even noticing tears started to fall from the Omega's eyes, the omega didn't speak or say anything and went straight to the Alpha and Omega that still hasn't noticed him and out of nowhere two guns appeared , the Omega's eyes turned pink in anger and his fox tails began to show . Bang bang! , The female omega was shot dead one bullet went through her head and the other in her chest. The Alpha looked at the angry Omega with a smirk " oh come on I was just getting to the fun part" the omega scoffs at the naked alpha on the bed and nothing but tears of betrayel came down his face, the omega spoke "that's it I'm done......"  "With what ?"
The Alpha asked the omega " being your fucking omega u idiot!......." Be growls at the Alpha, which the Alpha growls back even louder thinking the omega would whimper which he didn't, the Alpha was surprised the omega didn't even flinch " you can't do that I'm your Alpha and u can't leave me, u belong to me that means u obey me!" The Alpha growls with rage " you don't fucking own me !....." The omega growls back " we might be married and I know you are my husband,but I'm just going to say this once....."  The Alpha looks at the omega confused because of the curtain change of  tune ,"I'm not going to be treated like some poppet!.... We are not that far apart u know!, The only difference is that your taller and your an alpha!,but the rest we're just the same!...." The Alpha gets up,puts on his pants  and walks towards the omega he starts to kiss the omega on his face and on the lips," I wasn't done yet...."  The omega softly whispers,the Alpha stops and looks at the omega as a sign that he could start to speak " for years I have have watched how the alphas treat their Omega's like they are some poppets to them !, Some were cheated on ,some were abused to death and some that can't even help their self's because of how weak and poor they are ! My own husband I thought I could have trusted to be different from all of the others just had to be the same like them!, I might look weak and when I'm inspecially crying right now!,but I only have three sentences I want to finish with......I'm not like other omegas, I won't let anyone or any alpha treat me like a poppet and if u don't treat me like your equal and set that pride aside then byebye sexy omega for you!" The omega sticks his middle finger Infront of the Alpha's face which he instantly regrets doing. The Alpha grabs the omega by his neck and started to release his hormones
To show the omega who is the boss , although it hurts and tears filled his eyes he didn't give in . The Alpha was shocked and impressed by the omega but he just let out more hormones, the omega let out a soft  whimper , because this sexy looking bitch in him had to just make him do it , the omega tried to get out of the Alpha's grip but no progress was made ."give in omega, you belong to me " the Alpha growled " as I said before I'm not your poppet!" The omega growled. The Alpha got very angry and threw the omega on the bed, the omega tried to get up but the alpha grip was  to strong .the alpha began to kiss the omega roughly and bit the Omega's lip asking for entry but the omega didn't open his mouth the alpha got even angrier and ripped the clothes of the omega. The Alpha's eyes was starting to flicker red that mean that the alpha's inner self was about to take  over his body so the omega had no choice but to open his mouth and let the alpha do what ever he wanted to the omega.

The next day:

The omega wakes up early and instead of showering he went straight to his closet and took out a pregnancy test . Already knowing what was going to pop up on the pregnancy test he still checked any way. He sat on the toilet and peed on the pregnancy test. He left it in the bathroom and went to pack a suitcase only a little bit of clothes cos the place he was going had a closet full of clothes and heels.he changed into a short pants and a shirt and took his phone and car keys and went to the place .

Outfit :

Outfit :

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End of this chapter 😁

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End of this chapter 😁

Total of words :1039

I wonder what will happen when Hyunjin wakes up
Would the pregnancy test be positive or  negative
Would Hyunjin cry and look for Felix or would he go do his normal day routine.

You'll just have to wait for the next chapter to come out 😉.

It might come out next week Saturday or Sunday or the next next week Saturday or Sunday 😊.

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