Demon x Summoner

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An old book had been gifted to (Your OC), it looked ancient with the way the pages were yellowed and torn. On the cover, it read in large cursive writing, "Summoning of the Hierarchical Supernatural". There was no author's name on or in the book itself and when trying to search it up nothing had come up. How strange. (Your OC) had decided to just let it rest atop one of their shelves to be put on display. And so the book sat there untouched for years before (Your OC) had moved out. The ancient book being one of the last items to be packed away. Surprisingly, (Your OC) had hesitated on keeping it and bringing it with them, it was as if a sense of dread had washed over them before they decided to just bring it along anyways. How much harm could a book do?

Once (Your OC) had settled into their new place they decided that they were going to try one of these supposed summoning rituals out. Flipping through to a random page they found one that looked almost unfinished with how bare it was compared to most of the other ones they'd seen before. Everything was in a scrawled out and nearly illegible handwriting with some sketches thrown and tossed about the pages with no sense of organization with most of the drawings having small lettering beneath. It seemed intriguing to (Your OC), how so much was written on nearly all of the other pages but this one was quite bare in comparison. There were only two pages with a small set of instructions in the top right corner with warnings throughout it all. There didn't seem to be too many items needed so that very day (Your OC) set off and got everything they needed, which included: 10 blue candles, an assortment of flowers, and flower petals in white, and white chalk.

Having bought everything they needed (Your OC) raced back home, throwing the stuff out onto a countertop as they cleared a space in the middle of their living room. A rush of excitement seemed to overtake them as they'd begun to set up the ritual. Setting up the candles with a large pentacle that surrounded a small heart in the middle, drawing out the lines to connect each candle in the pentacle and connecting those to the candles in the middle, and then finally pouring the flowers and petals in between the heart and pentacle. And now it was actually time to perform the summoning. Grabbing a box of matches, (Your OC) lit each candle slowly as they flickered to life. Laying the book next to them as they sat a few inches away from the ritual circle, they whispered the summoning instructions before finally skipping down to the bottom where a script had been written to complete the summoning. Glancing between the book and the candles (Your OC) read off the script tentatively.

As the words fell out from between their lips the candles seemed to all be snuffed out at once while a white fog curled up from between the flowers and seemed to dance and swirl around, creating a vague image of a dragon flying around. The more (Your OC) said the more things started happening. Music began to play, quiet at first before it began to crescendo getting to an ear-bursting volume. The flowers started to be caught in the fog as they followed behind the dragon as if entranced by its dance. And then everything seemed to stop as a bright light surged through the room blinding (Your OC). It must've only been a minute at most before their vision recovered and standing before them was a man dressed in extravagant clothing with a plethora of jewels and chains hanging off of him. He just seemed to stare at (Your OC), it was unnerving as no words were exchanged for what felt like an eternity. And then finally the man spoke. "Speak now. For what reason have you summoned me?"

Demon's POV

He stared down at the... thing before him. He hadn't been summoned in many decades and now it seems he was going to be doing the bidding of someone who didn't even understand the trouble they had just opened themselves up to. As if he could even begin to explain it in the first place. It felt so freeing to be able to be back once again, but the fact that he'd had to come at such a time when he no longer knew any of those that usually called upon him for his services. And he certainly didn't know who was sitting in front of him.

How unfortunate. He clasped his hands behind his back leaning forward, peering at the face of the person who had summoned him. Quite an interesting face. Ignoring anything that this person may or may not be saying he reached out and grabbed their chin and titled it up to face him slowly. Examining every feature closely, his nails starting to dig into the skin with a few beads of blood forming beneath them as they stained his nails and fingertips. Retracting from from them he stood back up, straightening his posture. "Your face is quite interesting." He whispered still staring but with less intensity as before. No matter what should come from them, it was going to be thrilling for him.

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