Fifty million dollars.. don't go questioning her about it, she specifically told me to keep it a secret,


oh shushhhh, keep it low, you know she could hear you right?

That's outrageous honestly, how's that possible.. I mean,, sigh..
That's more than half of my life savings and inheritance combined

Well, I could have gotten the money for her .. but I can't go back to Australia, and I want nothing to do with the kings or Atlantas wealth.. I added,

our counseling firm is just picking up, we haven't even made a reasonable amount to that  yet.. and if we take money out, it might crumble..what do we do Halisa, zaytun needs us

Yeah, I thought of that, but as you said.. it'll crumble our business we've worked so hard to build, ...from my personal savings.. I have nine hundred thousand dollars.. which is not even significant compared to the amount at hand

Sigh..I'd sleep on this, by tomorrow I'd figure out how to help, our food is getting cold ya'know, we could watch a movie while eating, just to lighten up the mood, you know I hate seeing you sad .. Logan said while pulling me into a cuddly embrace


Ace's POV:
         The meeting ended not long ago,
Im headed to my office , i honestly need to relax.. three hours inside such a tensed room isn't easy ,it's rather exhausting..

"umm sir, Mr Kevin came by"     My secretary isoken announced to me ..

Oh okay then where's he?'

  Ace man come err'.   I heard Kevin say from my office.. coming in to find him seated on my chair

Get yo ass out of my chair  man'. I half-yelled out to him

Hay okay okay .. it's not that deep,
So how's it going' how is the CEO life treating you .. he said as he made air quotes laying emphasis to "CEO"

Well , Its fine I guess .. just time consuming

Ohh I do not relate to that .. he said with a light laugh'
But .. man, you coming to the club tonight"

Kevin, when last did you see me set foot in any club, you always ask this and the Answer is always no

"Oh come on, quit this fatherly nonsense.. you are freaking twenty five years old, where's the Ace I used to know" he says while shaking his head in disbelieve

No need to be dramatic alrighttt , i said as I nudged his shoulder slightly
He's right tho, I used to be the life of the party, I used to always spend my Friday nights and Saturday nights  getting wasted, but the responsibilities became too much, I'm a father of two and I'm the present head of our company..
A wayward lifestyle would paint the face of our company, and I wouldn't want my children growing up knowing their father lives a questionable lifestyle.
I'm always so occupied with work, ..I really don't expect Kevin to understand as he is a professional photographer, where's the stress in that?
And Conrad, he chose a career in modeling, male modeling, they basically work side by side

Ace! You hear me?

Oh what was that, I'm sorry I have a lot to handle .. maybe another time alright

Pssss you've gone soft! , I'd be leaving now then, I need to pick up Alex and Conrad.. catch you later.. with that, he left

Checking my schedule to see I'm having a meeting in an hour time .. shit! Okay I'd just get thirty minutes of rest.. should I set an ..
a picture frame on my desk caught my attention as I made mental notes .
It was a picture of halisa carrying khaliya, I remember this was taken on khaliya's one year birthday.. the day Halisa left.
Honestly, I don't know why I have the photo framed up, but I just do..  I wouldn't lie, I miss all the good times we had growing up, we were like the musketeers, but this time just two.. it was me for her and her for me, the countless sleepovers we had, her covering up for me to sneak out, sigh.. honestly, I feel like I am more angry at my self than her, and for all this years I've succeeded in suppressing all the pain and emotions..I really need her around!! Halisa freaking kings where the fuck are you !!!!!
.. I yelled out of much as I want to believe her absence doesn't hurt, it still does , each day of dreadful regrets ..

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