Chapter 9

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Ace's POV:
"So is that everything you need" asked mom, I'm packing back to Queensland, I still have about two semester left before I can get my bachelor degree in business management..

Eh yes mom, that's all I'm taking back with me.. besides Nancy would not be joining me ,she needs to remain and nurture herself,

Oh okay, I'd be sure to take good care of her and when the baby arrives, the baby as well..

Oh mom' come eh' .. I said while embracing her

Good bye Ace boo .. said Nancy , she wore a very short amber dress which were sleeveless, I have explained severally that this is an Arabian household and we have male servants, mom and Dad severally have both complained about her dressing manner..
Nancy, please would you go back upstairs,

Why Ace , it's the 21th century, you met me while I was dressing like this, so why do you think I'd stop after marriage ?

You know what, it's fine.. mom, she's your problem now ..bye ! ....I angrily stumped out, she's a bit intense, I want to believe it's the pregnancy, she's always at it with her European nonsense, people do change when pregnant I guess..


I arrived at my apartment, it was such a long day, I scanned my fridge and got a bottle of beer, okay I know I need to quit my beer drinking habit but shit' it's a bit addictive, I already phoned the apartment caretakers to go grocery shopping for me, they should be here any moment from now, I'm a bit hungry tho

(Phone buzz ) checking the caller to find Kevin,

"Yo man what's up , you back in town'... Kevin said from the other end

Hay gee, how's it ' ..yeah I just arrived, you and the boys can come over, I'm a little bored

That'll be arranged, should we invite strippers or just regular females

Come on man' can't we just chill as guys, I was thinking just hitting the jacuzzi, just us as guys, and maybe some kush and beer would do

Hay man, no homo' ..the kush and beer sounds fine , but just us guys together in a giant bathtub sounds gay man'

Okay, well we could watch movies or something' , you know I'm married now .. I don't want strippers or other females around me much

You should have said that, I'd just invite Alex and Conrad, then some pizza and beer.. since you want to be a princess ! Or would the beer be too strong for our princess? I'd get Coca-Cola alright.. he said while containing his laughter

It's not funny man, are you coming or not '.... I asked in a serious tone

Okay okay fine, no kidding, the beer and pizza, then Conrad and Alex .. see you soon
.. with that he ended the call,

Ever since my conversation with mom, I've started rethinking a lot, the rate I was going I might even catch some STDs , it's weird how Nancy sees nothing wrong with that, at first the thought of an opened relationship sounded cool to me, but now it's just plain childish.. she knows I sleep around but sees nothing wrong, I'm starting to reconsider her love for me '
For the sake of my daughter and my unborn child, I'd try to take the responsible path, I know it wouldn't be easy but it's worth trying ,

(Knock knock)
ahh that must be the caretaker.


Halisa's POV:
Zaytun and I ended up spending the night at Logans , it's weird how close we've become in such a short interval.. here we are, all lying down on his carpet with a big duvet, I'm at the middle, Logan is at my right and zaytun is at the left, we all slept very close.. this would have been weird if we didn't just watch a horror movie before dozing off to sleep ..
"Hay Lisa" I heard a husky voice say , I flinched as I wasn't expecting any of them to be up ,

You scared of what.. zaytun chucked

Oh com on' the hell are you up by this time ,

I should be asking you that ... it's just a few minutes past five, I woke up for my morning prayers ..she said while containing her yawn

Oh the morning prayers, alright I'll join you .. I'll just head back to my apartment to take a quick shower .. I said while nearing the exit

Oh be fast then, or I'll start without you .. she yelled back

Don't you dare ! I jokingly said with strained eyes while closing the door

I'm back at my apartment, zaytun went out with her fiancé and Logan went to the campus.. I won't be having any class till later in the evening so I decided to spent some quiet time alone..

(Phone buzz)
Checking the caller to see mom, oh my baby khaliya probably wants to see me

Hello mom , how're you doing, let's switch to FaceTime , I'll call you via FaceTime alright ..

Before the phone could ring she already answered which made my smile at how much she misses me

My child Halisa how are you doing dear

I'm fine fine mom , how's dad and aunt Sarah

Oh everyone's fine my angel, we all miss you so much my child ,

Come on mom, I call at least three times a week, it's not like I'm gone forever though

Hmm, so how's school.. please my child tell me your location so I can come visit you, I need to see you to believe you are fine my child..she says while containing her tears
I hate seeing my mom cry , but I can't tell her my location, I can't tell any of them .. as much as I miss then too, they all cumulatively hurt me so bad, I need to heal !

Oh mom, please don't cry ! I can't tell you my location, but I'm fine .. please don't make this harder for me mom '

"Mama ..maamaa". I heard baby khaliya say ,omg she even recognize my voice .. my sweet little angel

My Angel how are you..

Mamaa! She yelled out of pure excitement and drooled baby saliva all over the phone screen

It pains me to leave my baby, I really miss her , occasional calls would never be enough..I really wish to be fully part of her life , but I have to pursue my own life..

"Mama!! Papa togmee gu sleer ah ah uol papaaa nacyy..."
She kept on ranting, it was more of a mini tantrum scolding me on why I left her , she was trying so hard to deliver the message,honestly I'm proud of my baby ..she's such a smart baby
We spoke for about an hour plus , in a weird way , I understood what her baby speech meant, I guess that's a mothers superpower

Alright liyah, that's enough..let's leave mama to study alright? chipped in

"Nuhh ..mama". Khaliya showed her displeasure at mom's suggestion.. but mom is right, i have some assignments I need to get back to
Khaliya dear, I'll call you tomorrow.. mama loves you .. I quickly ended the call before she could protest or whine

I have a lot I need to achieve!
For my self and my child ..

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