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Meg Moroney as Skyler Evans

It's been six months since Skyler and Morgan crossed paths at that bar in Tuscaloosa. He's gotten busy with his budding music career and hasn't been able to really talk to her as much. She's been too busy with finishing up school to worry about him anyways.

Right now, Skyler is packing up her car to spend a long weekend in Tennessee with her friends to celebrate the end of college before they move their separate ways.

"Hey, you should tell that guy you met at the bar you'll be in Tennessee." Liv, her friend, says as she shuts the back hatch of her car.

"Oh, I should." Skyler chuckles. "Nah, he's probably got a girlfriend now, handsome guy like that."

"You never know. Text him."

Skyler Evans:

Hey Morgan. I'm gonna be in Nashville in a few days if you wanted to do something

"Now we wait."

"Yeah, if he doesn't text back then its not meant to be."


Morgan's phone vibrates on the table in front of him as he and a few friends work through another song.  He furrows his brows then smiles, shooting a response back.

Morgan Wallen:

which days?

"Morgan, c'mon man."

He pockets his phone as he clears his throat, his smile never fading. He thought this girl had forgotten about him, her responses had fizzled out to nothing so he let it be. Now she's going to be in Tennessee and wants to see him?

Hell yes.

His phone buzzes

Skyler Evans:
Tuesday to Sunday

Morgan Wallen:
let me know when your free and I'll take you out to dinner :)

Skyler Evans:
Sounds great! I'll let you know :)

Morgan grins to himself as he pockets his phone again and gets back to work, his heart beating fast.

"You good man?" Michael, his closest confidant asks, chuckling at his friend's face.

"Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Blake, you remember that girl from that bar in Alabama?"

"Sure man."

"She's coming to Nashville and wants to get together."

"Oooh." They tease before laughing. "Maybe you'll get out of this stupid rut you put yourself in and get some fire songs written."

Morgan chuckles too, wishing it was Tuesday now.


"Well." Morgan looks over his reflection one more time before turning on his boot heal to grab his phone, wallet and keys.

Morgan Wallen:

be there in 20

Sky Evans:

Drive safe :)

They decided on dinner before going to one of his friend's shows afterwards and he's picking her up from her hotel.

"Hey handsome!" Skyler grins when she opens the passenger side door, hoping up in the shot gun seat with the prettiest smile. Morgan's heart flutters. "How've you been?"

"Ah, just been busy. You?"

"Same. Finished school and now ready for the real world." She laughs, fidgeting with her rings.

"Oh cool. What did you get your degree in?"

"Film writing with a minor in songwriting."

"Oh, very cool." 

She nods. "Yeah, hoping for either a job in LA or New York or if that don't work out then a songwriting gig in Nashville."

Morgan chuckles. "A girl with a plan." He parks in a garage.

"What about you? You in school? Working?"

"I'm a musician."

"Oh cool! God I love music."

He chuckles again as he opens the door for her, holding his hand out to guide her to her feet.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh a place called Pucketts. They have great food."

The two walk down the street to the restaurant, dodging in and out of the crowded sidewalk.


"Who's your friend that's performing?"

"His name is Michael and he's at the Local down on Music Row, out by the Parthenon."

"Oh cool. Are we walking or?"

"Oh no, it's kinda far away."

She just nods as she fastens the seatbelt across her lap.

It's a quiet ride, a comfortable quiet to the bar and soon he's parking again. "C'mon." He takes her hand and leads her around the back alley.

"You, uh, you gonna kill me?" She laughs nervously, her hand starting to wiggle out of his hand.

"No, no, shit this looks bad." He chuckles. "No, this is the- just trust me."

He elbows the backdoor open. "Hardy!" He shouts, getting his friend's attention real quick.

"Morgan!" He shouts back, giving him a bro hug. "What's going on, man?"

"Not shit." Morgan glides his hand across the small of his date's back. "This is Skyler."

"Hey, I'm Michael."

"Nice to meet you." She responds. "You playing tonight?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Nice! Can't wait to see."

Morgan takes her hand and heads to the bar.

"Jack straight." Skyler says, immediately shoots it then orders a mixed drink.

Morgan's jaw drops slightly. "That was hot."

Skyler giggles, stirring her tequila sunrise with her black straw. Morgan cheers her with his beer then takes a drink as the lights go on.

Skyler flirts with him as he flirts back, their eyes locking and fires burning- tequila or lust, who knows right now.

She drops her hand on his shoulder as she leans closer. "You, uh," She stops herself with a smile.

His heart flutters. "Yeah?"

"You wanna get outta here?"

Immediately, Morgan drops a couple bills and takes her hand again. "C'mon."

She laughs as she follows him, laughing harder when he pushes her against the side of his truck, their lips locking.

She confidently pulls him close, her hands gripping the back of his button down while he keeps his on her waist.

"Let's go." She whispers, licking her lips.

He smirks, getting the door for her again. "Your place or mine?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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