"Hello to you too," she cooed as she watched the bumblebee dance on her finger. She reached out with her other hand and gently drew it across the bumblebee's back, petting it as she would a little kitten. "How are you on this fine day?"

The bee buzzed in response, before lifting from her finger. It bumped her once more before fluttering off, buzzing for its sisters. Y/N watched them as they fluttered off to a nearby patch of dandelions, settling down on the petals and starting to harvest the pollen. She waited until the bees had buzzed off before returning to her weaving. 

Ayala watched Y/N's delicate work, smiling as the bunny's fingers slipped between the knots of stems. She picked up a small cluster of daisies and started to weave them together, watching Y/N's hands and attempting to copy the flow of the bunny's fingers. 

Y/N glanced over to her friend and giggled when she noticed Ayala copying her. She set down her crown and gently took Ayala's hands in hers, precisely moving them, guiding the stems of daisies this way and that until she was sure that Ayala understood what to do.

Suddenly, there was a scream and Y/N's ears perked up.

"Y/N! Y/N HELP!"

Y/N was on her feet in a moment, the flower crown forgotten as it lay at her feet. "LULU!"


Y/N darted off, faster than Ayala had ever seen her move, and was darting in the direction of her sister's voice. She ran through the grass and flowers, panic shining in her eyes as she tore through the meadow, listening for her sister's voice.


Y/N skidded as she turned and shot off towards the part of the meadow where the fields touched the forest. A stitch was growing in her side and she winced, forcing herself to run through the pain. If something happened to her sister, she would never forgive herself. 

As she neared the break in the wall, she noticed two little deer cowering on the side of the wall that met the meadow. Their hands clapped over their eyes and their bodies trembled as they listened to the screams of dear little Lulu.

"LULU," Y/N shouted, vaulting over the wall. She darted into the forest, eyes wild and ears alert as she searched for her sister.

Thankfully, the little bunny came crashing through the brush a moment later, tears streaming like rivers from her eyes, and her breath coming out in little hiccuped sobs. Y/N fell to her knees and opened her arms. Lulu threw herself into her sister's arms, clinging to her tightly as she sobbed freely. She gripped Y/N's hair, pulling it closer to her as she tried to reassure herself that she was safe in her sister's arms and that Y/N would never let anything get close enough to her to hurt her.

"What is it, Lulu," Y/N asked softly, gently petting her sister's hair as she rose to her feet.

"I-I... T-there was a w-wolf," Lulu cried. 

Y/N's eyes widened and she stared into the forest that her sister had just come crashing through. And that's when she saw them. The pair of golden eyes peering out from the bushes and brambles, glowing in the light of the afternoon sun. Y/N forced herself to look away and she turned back to the meadow, holding Lulu tightly in her arms.

"Go find Ayala," Y/N whispered, setting Lulu down in the meadow. "Tell her to bring everyone in. And go get Father."

Lulu nodded and ran off, not questioning why Y/N decided to stay behind. Ayala's brothers ran after her, eager to get away from the woods and back to the safety of their camp. 

Only once Lulu was gone did Y/N turn back to the forest, stepping once more over the wall.

"You can't be here," she whispered as she walked deeper into the forest.

Jack pulled himself up from the bushes and stepped towards her. "Why -"

Y/N took a step back, holding her hand out in front of him. "You're a wolf." She glanced behind her. Her friends and family would be here any moment. Turning back to Jack, she met his eyes. She didn't even notice the basket in his hands. The basket of sweet treats that his mother had made for him to bring to her. "You need to go," she whispered. She approached him and started pushing him back toward the woods. "You need to go before they find you."


"Please," Y/N whispered. "I-"


Both teens looked back at the meadow. They could smell the approaching beastmen. The bunnies and deer and squirrels would be holding pitchforks and torches in hopes of defending their little meadow.

"Please," Y/N whispered. "Please go!"

Jack sighed. "Fine."

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