Chapter 4

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"Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Remember me to one who lives here. For he once was a true love of mine," Y/N sang. She glanced up from the flowers in her hands and smiled as she watched her little sister frolicking in the tall grasses and flowers, her pink and white checkered skirt fluttering in the breeze. Lulu usually stayed within the safe oaken walls of the burrow, and whenever she did leave, she always had to have a companion with her. Even in the meadow, there were too many risks of danger, or so Y/N's mother and father thought. 

She turned back to the daisies and daffodils in her hands and continued weaving the stems together. "Tell him to make me a cambric shirt. Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Without no seam, or fine needlework. And he shall be the true love of mine." She reached over to the smile pile of daisies that Lulu had collected for her and picked another one. She rubbed the stem between her fingers for a moment, admiring the way that the petals shone in the morning sun, before intertwining it with the others in her hands.


Y/N glanced up and smiled when she saw Lulu bouncing towards her, Ayala running along behind her. She set aside her work and stretched her arms out, allowing her little sister to come flying into her arms, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. Ayala fell to the ground beside Y/N and embraced her friend.

"How are you today, Y/N," Ayala asked as she pulled away from the hug. She sat back on her calves and picked up the flower crown that Y/N had been working on. Ayala always loved admiring Y/N's work, whether it was the gentle stitches on fabric, the seam in a new dress, or the careful weaving of grass and flower stems. 

Y/N shrugged. "Okay." 

"Y/N~ Can you braid my hair?" Lulu pulled away from her hug and sat on Y/N's legs, holding out a strand of her hair to her sister. 

Y/N smiled. "Of course. Turn around." 

Lulu eagerly spun around and sat facing the small pond in the centre of the lake, humming softly as Y/N began to braid her hair. The older bunny pulled out a pink ribbon from her apron pocket and as she neared the end of the braid, she started to weave it in, twisting the ribbon as if it were a strand in her sister's hair. 

"There," she said after a few minutes. "All done." She picked up a daisy from her pile and slid it into her sister's braid before turning her around to show Ayala.

"Perfect," Ayala mused. "Absolutely adorable." She bumped elbows with Y/N and the girls smiled as Lulu admired her braid.

"I'm gonna go play," the little bunny declared, getting to her feet, and she bounded off a moment later, calling for her friends in the meadow.

"Don't go near the forest or the wall," Y/N called after her. Lulu called back, saying that she remembered, and disappeared from the girl's sight a moment later, though they could still hear her shouting for Ayala's brothers to come and play with her. Y/N giggled and took her flower crown back from Ayala.

"Who's the crown for," Ayala asked, leaning back on her palms as she stared at the willow at the other end of the meadow.

Y/N shrugged, "I don't know yet. I wasn't making it with anyone in mind." She held it up, turning it slowly to see if she had any gaps in the flowers, and when she decided that she didn't, she set it down on her lap again and continued weaving.

It was quiet for a moment as the two girls sat there, listening to the song of the birds as they fluttered by overhead, and to the wind as it rustled the grass around them. The sound of the brook and the pond as small fish jumped and fell back beneath the surface, and the sound of bumblebees and honeybees buzzing to and fro as they searched for flowers. One little bee bumped its nose against Y/N's cheek and she giggled, holding out her hand for it. Despite what others thought about the bees, Y/N loved them. She loved their tiny little wings and their fuzzy little bodies that shimmered like gems as they flew by, like little drops of gold, the children of the sun above. 

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