¿~Revival~? [1]

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•1N PR1S0N•

"TOMMY YOU SAID THAT IT WOULD BE OKAY..!" The lava slowly hit..Those were Ghostbur's last words.. *Wibur Soot was slain by Dream* Tommy and Sam stood there in shock. "NO-" Tommy yelled , then looked at Sam "You sick fuck.." Tommy was mad but also scared of what happened to Ghostbur...Sam was really mad. He told Tommy to leave immediately. They both started to get through the security system, they kept yelling at eachother. Tommy was pissed, so was Sam. Tommy took Ghostbur's lead and walked to the portal, he got teleported to the little room that connects prison with the outside world.. Ghostbur's sheep was standing there..Tommy took him on the lead and they both teleported out of the room.


Tommy walked out of the portal with Friend (Ghostbur's sheep). He walked to Tubbo and Ranboo, they were waiting for him, curious about what happened in prison. They saw that Tommy is without Ghostbur. "Where is Ghostbur?" Tubbo asked confused. Tommy said still kinda anxious "Ghostbur is dead.." "What do you mean dead?" Tubbo asked really confused. "I mean he is dead?" Ranboo said. "Guys you dont understand." Tommy repeated this sentence few times and then said "Wilbur is back..". "What? I don't understand..?" Tubbo said. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Friend slowly walked to L'manberg, Tommy was explaining what happened in prison, he knew that Wilbur would spawn at the place of his death which was L'manberg.

•4T L'M4NB3RG•

When they got there they were trying to see his name tag, hoping that it was just a false alarm and he is not back.When they got to the place exactly where Will died they stood there in shock, looking at Wilbur.. He was there.. Alive.. Tommy was completely terrified. "Hi..?" Wilbur said when he noticed Tommy and others. "W-Wilbur..?" Tommy said, he couldn't believe his eyes. "No. This cant be real..!"
Tommy was completely mad and terrified at the same time.

"Tommy. I am alive! I AM ALIVE!" Wilbur said, excited.
He was absolutely happy that he is back, he looked at completely blown up L'manberg. "WOAH THIS PLACE IS FUCKED UP, DID I CAUSE THIS?" He was full of life. So happy and excited.. He approached Tommy. Tommy asked him "Where is Ghostbur?" He was mad at Will. "Ghostbur eh? I think you know that my limbo was a train station. I was just chilling when a train came, there were two people there. Do you know who? U wanna know who did I see Tommy?" He said with a kinda creepy voice. "Um, yeah" Tommy replied confused. "I saw, I saw that copy of me, uh Ghostbur and the other person. You know who was the other person?? It was Dream!" He said and smiled.

Tommy mumbled "wait Dream..?". "Dream, yes Dream! He is my hero!" Wilbut said happy as fuck. Tommy couldn't believe what he just heard from Wilbur. "WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR HERO?". "TOMMY HE SAVED ME!" Wilbur yelled. After a bit, he calmed down and walked to Tubbo "Tubbo! My mate!" He noticed someone is next to him "Ohhh so new faces?" "Renbo? Ranbo?" He struggled to read his name tag. "Its 'Ranboo' for you." Tommy said rudely.
"Ah okay, hello Ranboo!" Will said nicely.
"H-hi?" Ranboo was kinda scared of him.
"Anyway guys I gotta go plan sum! I can do so many things! I gotta go!" after he said this he quickly left the game. "....." He left everyone speechless.

•S0M3 D4YS L4T3R 1N P0GT0P14•

"Hm i should go now." He wanted to leave but his son, Fundy walked in Pogtopia, when Wilbur noticed him he approached him. "Fundy? Is that you?". Fundy looked at him with a terrified look on his face "You..You..Are alive..?!" he said. "Yes Fundy!!" He hugged Fundy. "GET OFF ME." Fundy pushed Will away from him. "I..Fundy..? It's me! Your dad! Do you not recognise me..?" Wilbur said kinda confused. "I-I do recognise you.." Fundy said with a sad expression on his face. Wilbur looked away for a bit, then asked "Hm what about we do a little father-son bonding?" He smiled slightly. "I-Uh-Ye-Yeah? I mean- if you want then yes.." Fundy replied to Revivebur kinda anxious.

They were having fun! Kinda talked about some stuff, though Fundy was kinda sad. They walked to L'manberg

•4T L'M4NB3RG•

They were standing on a wooden bridge, it was made so you could walk through L'manberg and it would look good as well. Wilbur apologised to Fundy in hope that he would forgive him, though Fundy just couldnt. "Im sorry Wilbur but I cant forgive you what you did." he said. "Oh its okay...well I guess see you soon Fundy..." Will said with a fake smile. "Wilbur.. There's no 'soon'." Fundy said while looking down at the floor. "What do you mean? U dont wanna hang out with me?" Wilbur was confused. "Wilbur you see..i dont want you around me.." he looked at him. "Oh...well..bye then..!" Revivebur slowly started to walk away, when he saw that Fundy jumped down from the bridge. "Oh that was not neces-". *Fundy fell from high place*. Wilbur was shocked and didnt understand why Fundy killed himself. He couldnt move, he then started to tear up.

"Wh-what..why..?" as he spoke a horse approached him, it was a fully black mustang, with some scratches on his eye. He noticed the horse "Uh hello? Why are you here mate?" He was looking at the horse and then he noticed his eye. "Awe-" he said as he petted him slowly "who did this to you?"

The horse somehow trusted him, Wilbur was kinda shocked that the horse didnt back away from him. "Would you wanna.. i dont know.. live with me?" Revivebur asked. The horse just tilted it's head. "Oh right you cant speak- well that means you are going to live with me from now on!" He smiled slightly at the horse, the horse didnt look sad at all. "Will you follow me m- wait I should give you a name- Hmm you remind me of the moon.. what about Moonlight?" The horse made a happy sound. "Oo you like that name huh?" He giggled slightly. He started to walk away from the horse to see if it will follow him. The horse did indeed follow him, they went to Pogtopia.

•1N P0GT0P14•

Wilbur made a place for Moonlight to sleep in. He got him a water bucket so he could drink and also got him some carrots. "U should rest mate, what if I sing you a song?" He took his guitar and sat next to his horse. The horse was laying on the hay. Wilbur started to play a song on his guitar. He then started to sing in a calm voice, the singing calmed the horse down and it fell asleep. Wilbur was up all night he couldn't sleep. In the morning his horse woke up, it saw that Will was up. It made a confused noise. "Oh I see that you're awake, darling" Wilbur said calmly he was kinda tired. He stood up. "Could you stay here mate? I wanna look around the server" he said. The horse just layed it's head on the hay. "Good boy" he walked out of Pogtopia.

•4T TH3 PR1M3 P4TH•

He was walking down the path, looking around. He then noticed someone is approaching him, he realised that its Eret. "Wilbur I- You are alive?" Eret said to him confused. "Y-Yes i am.." he replied, then said "Eret i want to apologise for what I've done.." They both apologised to eachother and kinda got a bit along. "Wilbur I want to show you that Im really sorry by giving away something really important to me." He took a crown out of his inventory. "What is that? A crown?" Will asked. "Yes this is my crown..it means a lot to me, but its an item that gave me power. The power that i dont need now," Eret said "but i think that its only fair if you give away something that means a lot to you as well.".

"What is that? Well I have a sword- uh i don't know- i also have a picture frame-? Maybe i could give that away?" He was kinda confused. "Wilbur i want you to give away something that has caused a lot of bad thing in this server. And that is TNTs." Eret said kinda scared of Wilburs reaction. "TNTs..? Well.. okay ig.." Wilbur said. He threw them away and agreed not to use them anymore.

Wilburs apologised to some other members as well. His next person to visit was Quackity.

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