connection 😩😩😩18+

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ok guys someone remind me what their braid things are called,,, im calling them 'queues' in this maybe? idk i'll get around it somehow probably...

omg i googled it they're called queues i was right okay enjoy the chapter 😹

You and Neteyam had been going out for quite awhile now. You'd gone on dates, met each other's family, spoke about your futures, and had even been together. Like, together together. The more the two of you went out, the more the tension and longing built between you, and the both of you wanted to mate, but neither of you had the courage to ask the other. Neteyam wanted to bring it up, but he didn't want you to feel like you had to, or like you owed it to him to be his mate. You, on the other hand, desperately wanted to be all his, but you thought if you'd ask, you might scare him away.

One day, after Neteyam came back from hunting, he took you on a ride with him on his Ikran, to a spot he had discovered in the hallelujah mountains. He'd discovered this spot on one of his many tasks of scouting around them, but he decided to keep it to himself , he knew this beautiful spot could come in handy one day. After you two landed, he grabbed your hand, and led you to the spot he'd set up for the two of you. As you walked there, you were giggling at him, asking him what this was about, but he refused to give his plans away. He decided to switch tactics, and led you with your eyes covered to the location.

Once you'd arrived, he lifted his hands from your eyes to reveal some blankets set up underneath a beautiful cave witch a small waterfall nearby. In the centre of the blankets sat a small pouch. "Neteyam, what is all this?" you smiled while walking over the the spot he'd carefully made up for you.
"y/n, you know how my dad isn't from here? well, where he's from, there's this sort of ritual that couples perform if they want to be together, like permanently. I know it might be silly, but it's called a 'proposal', the man presents some jewelry to his woman, and asks her to be his..." he  walks behind you, and smoothly latched a hand-made necklace to your neck, with a beautiful stone in the centre of it. You could tell he made it himself, and it must have taken him days, because it had so much detail. You looked down at the piece resting on your chest, and Neteyam watched you, noticing it move up and down with your breathing. You turned to face him, and he continued; "Y/n, I brought you here because I want you to be mine, and I want everyone to know it. This necklace, should you choose to accept it, will show them. what do you say?"

You could tell he was nervous, his brows knotted together as he anxiously awaited your response. "Oh Neteyam, this is so beautiful. And I feel the same way about you, I want to be yours, and of course I want you all to myself".

At that, you both giggled and he moved you both in a sitting position on the blankets, with you straddling him. He stared deeply in your eyes, and whispered "so is that a yes? will you be mine?"

"yes, but only if you'll be mine"


He stared into your eyes a moment longer, before gently kissing you, and placing his hands on the small of your back. Your hands rested on his shoulders, and the kiss deepened. He moved down to your jawline and neck, leaving small hickeys and kisses along to your collarbone.

The tension between the two of you only grew, and he flipped you on your back so that he was above you. You wrapped your legs around him, and he grabbed at your thighs and your skirt, almost like he was asking permission to take it off. You moved your legs back on the ground so that you could arch your back, hips up, so he could slide them off.
"fuck baby look at you, so pretty for me, so fucking pretty..."
He slid his own clothes off, and sat you back up again. You were wondering what he was doing, because things seemed perfect to you. He was hard, you were both getting desperate, this was what usually happened when you two got freaky. But as he shyly pulled his braid from behind him, you remembered that this wasnt the usual song and dance you usually did.
He looked nervous, and he could tell you were too, but you brought your braid forward too, and flipped the hair out of the way so that your queues could be connected more easily.

Neteyam briefly licked his lips before gently grabbing your hand that was holding your queue, and staring deeply into your eyes. "are you ready?" he asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice. you stare up at him through your lashes, and softly whisper your response; "yes".

Initially, when the connection was made, the both of you sat in a brief silence, experiencing a flood of emotion and stimulation. It excited the both of you, seeing each others's pupils dilate, the anticipation of who might make the next move, your hands still holding your braids together. "woah" he breaths out, almost laughing at the new feelings he was experiencing for the first time. you lightly chuckle at him, and pull his face in for a kiss, and he brings you back into his lap.
"fuck y/n this is insane" he speaks into the kiss, his hands grabbing you at every chance they got, your hands roaming through his hair.
"Neteyam, I need you inside of me, now".

He wasted no time giving you what you wanted, placing you back in your back and gently spreading your thighs apart, slowly inserting himself between your folds.
"hahh-Neteyam this feels so-"
"Intense, right?" he finishes your thought for you.
"yeah, really intense, really good, really really good" you breath out.

Your back arches as he starts to thrust into you. You whimper at the feeling of him inside of you, you were both more sensitive than ever before, so although this wasn't your first time, it all felt very new. You looked up at him, your hands laced around his wrists, as you listen to him groan, and his breath hitches in his throat.
He started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, not wanting to slow down, and you claw at his back due to the stimulation you were feeling.

He looked at you for a moment, almost apologetically, before flipping you into your stomach and massaging the fat of your ass between his hands. "ack Neteyam, wh-"
he cuts you off; "sorry y/n i just need to feel you this way".
He slams his cock into you from behind, the intensity rising as you both gasp at the sensation. You loudly moaned, but he didn't mind at all since no one was around to catch the both of you in the act. He kissed your back and shoulders while thrusting into you, keeping a steady pace, but he could tell you were getting tired and close to finishing. He was close, too.

"i know your close baby, i can feel it. Why don't you cum for me, hmm? cmon, cum for me sweetheart"
Instantly you released all over his cock, and he did shortly after inside of you. You could feel the heat of his breath on your ear as he slowly pulled out, and murmured "shit" while he cleaned you and him off.

After you were both cleaned up, it was no wonder you were exhausted. He held you in his arms, and whispered to you "i can't believe we're mated... it's"
"yeah, now you can't escape me" you replied, which earned a soft chuckle from your mate.

He let you rest for awhile before returning home on his Ikran. You would tell your families the news some other time, for now, you just wanted to be near one another. You fell asleep with him stroking your hair softly and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. At last, you were mated with the man that you love, and you couldn't wait to start your lives together.

ok guys would it be weird if y/n got preg? maybe i could do a spin-off but pls if ur not into that, lmk.  it wouldn't be like a kink 💀 it would just be a short story of their lives together after they became mates and i would continue the one-shots on the side 😹lmk

  it wouldn't be like a kink 💀 it would just be a short story of their lives together after they became mates and i would continue the one-shots on the side 😹lmk

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