Chapter 2

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A/N: Ok so here's the second and last chapter. told you it was short. dedicated to maddie cause she was waiting for this update ;)


I start grabbing at the air, frantic for my life. I manage to grab onto some of the rocks. I look up and see that I'm only about ten meters from the top. I start climbing, slowly, hanging on for my dear life.

I continue climbing, praying that I'm going to make it. As I'm climbing, I start to think about my family, if I have any. I've been in here for so long that I don't remember anything about my childhood, well, the small amount of time I was on the outside. I always wonder why my parents put me in here, if they didn't want me or if I have any brother or sisters.

I had bumped my head not long after I entered, so I really don't remember anything. Except I have this one memory, this memory that I have no understanding of. It was a warm sunny day and I was lying on top of a hill, on a big soft red blanket, looking at the clouds. There was someone with me but I don't remember who they were, I only remember it being a girl. Possibly my mother, but if I never get out of this hell hole, I'll never know.

I again refocus my mind and realise that I'm not far from the top. Just a couple more lifts and I'll be there. I finally pull myself onto the top of the block and take a sigh of relief. I look up again and see that I'm only about three jumps away from the end of this stupid challenge.

After I finish the jumping I run through the doors to the next task. I stop dead in my tracks when I see what it is - a maze. Well I'd better get to it then. I run forwards and decide to turn left first, then right, then left again. I continue running, just hoping that I can get out of here soon.

After hours of running, turning left and right, I hear a noise behind me. I turn around, when all of a sudden something grabs onto my leg. I fall and start being dragged, into the hedges. I'm screaming, grabbing onto the ground for something to hold onto. My legs are already in the hedge and my arms soon to follow. Finally my head has been pulled in and I realise that I can't breathe properly. I struggle, trying to catch my breath. I start slowly slipping away, into nothingness. My eyes flutter closed, feeling heavy, and I slip away into the dark, cold feeling, known as unconsciousness.

A/N: So here we go. my very short quick story. and don't mention the end because i know i went kinda harry potter on that.. but i needed a way to end it and i needed her to die as mean as that sounds!

well i hope you enjoyed it!




~Sharni xo

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