Still, Tsuna approached the house. He already knew he was in a mountain judging by the scenary and the atmosphere. When he gazed downward, from between the trees, he can see the blurry outline of another wooden house somewhere down the path of the mountain.

Surely, there are more houses at the foot of the mountain? And if so, then Tsuna have to catch his breath before he made his way down there.

Just as he was about to enter the wreck of a house to rest, something caught his eye and assaulted his nose simultaneously.

A row of disturbed soil and the mild stench of blood in the air.

No wonder there's no one here...

His face immediately scrunched together at the visible and dry splatters of blood that was on the frame of the door. There were traces of the door being broken but was put properly with effort into his wooden frame as if to maintain what it looked like before the accident.

His intuition pinged at the accurate assumption, causing him to feel guilty for not being able to help them.

His gaze then trailed to the soils, the graves, thoughtfully. It will be considered rude of him to find an opportunity to seek a shelter that belonged to the dead owners so he have to forget what's his intention was for coming here.

He settled for praying to the graves to pay for his respects. Tsuna noticed that all of the graves with an exception of one looked pretty recent.

'It must have been a few days ago or so after they died.'

Tsuna felt an overwhelming sorrow for them and his gaze soften. Death is common as he said before, but that doesn't make it less tragic. Just like before, he bring forth his flame that instantly morphed into bunch of lilies and put them on the graves.

Unwelcomed guests must have intruded in their home just by the wreckage and blood alone...

"Is this the works of demons too? Or it's just people who came to ruin them?" Tsuna said outloud.

His intuition leaned to the latter and he casted another scrutinized looks on the house.

"Unrestrained hunger for human flesh, huh?" Tsuna closed his eyes at the thought of the demon who used to be a boy. His saliva dripping down his chin as he tried to make Tsuna his meal.

His head ached, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"It's not demon's hunger that caused this?" He narrowed his eyes as if trying to glare at his own intuition.

His intuition didn't exactly deny that a demon wasn't involved so it's probably a different kind of demon.

Another ping, one that told him he was accurate.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. Too much headache is already stressing him out but at least he knew bits of information.

"Right. I need more info. One that does not require me playing guessing with my intuition without me cracking my own head from too much headaches."

Tsuna bowed down to the graves and bid goodbye after apologizing for unable to help them. He swore that he will deal with the race that called themselves as demons as a way of an apology for them and save the rest.

He can't just let demons do whatever they want. Doing nothing while people lives in danger is something he wouldn't agree of even at the threat of being killed. Tsuna wouldn't accept it!

As he made his way down the mountain, Tsuna had a feeling that lots of eyes were on him but he didn't felt any malicious intentions. It's just that those gazes felt... warm and understanding.

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