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Request Box is currently: Open!


Hello there fellow LEGO Chima fan! Welcome to my Legends of Chima x Reader Headcanon book! If you want to send me a request, you must first read the rules and guidelines:

1# No NSFW request please, this book is strictly SFW  

2# Please wait patiently for your request to be finished, I have a life outside of Wattpad

3# Please only request the characters that are on the "Character List" my memories of Chima are a bit small, and there are only a few parts/characters that I remember from the series

4# If you have any questions, don't hesitate free to ask me ^v^


Character List:








King Scorm

Queen Spinlyn

Sir Fanger (I might not be very good with this character, but I'll try my best!)

I might add more characters to the list in the future but for now these are the characters I can write for


Now with that out of the way, go ahead and start sending in your requests!

Legends of Chima x Reader Headcanons! (Request are Open!)Where stories live. Discover now