Ch. 2 the new girl

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I woke up at 3 am in a cold sweat. I had the dream again.
the agaonizing dream where i feel love but wreck it because i'm such an unlovable loser 😡🥺🥺🥺

i got dressed and ready for school and went to wake up my parents. we are like super rich so life tends to be really hard. like i literally ask for something and i get it. it's not fair

on our way to school in the helicopter my mom said something to me about being good today. i flipped her off and threw her out of the helicopter. that bitch never loved me fr.

today the lunchroom served pie. gooey ushy, mushy, pie.
it's almost orgasmic. i freaking love pie.

i pulled out my long hard thumb and shoved it right in the center of the sensual, thick crusted, creamy pie. i legit could've died on sight.

just then i got called to the principles office. i peed a bit.

i ran there and there was a new student named cynthia. she was HOT. i got a little piener.

i got so excited when the principle asked me to give her a tour that i started immediately. but then the unthinkable happened.

she started to make out with me.

A/N - get ready for the next chapter, things get crazy. i hope you enjoyed! don't forget to leave me comments!!!

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