another day

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Melody's POV

I often wondered about my nightmares. What is my mind telling myself as I'm in my sleep like state. But then I remember my past how it's haunting my everyday life. The past as I remember wasn't a good one. It's not the same as 15 year's ago

I wake up after seeing my nightmare for the millionth time. I'm use to it but it's gets worse everytime. And not to mention anxiety and my panic attacks.

I start my day finding a job you think a 20 year old would have a job but no. People don't want a person who was suicidal in the past. They see my scars and feel bad but the think I'm not worth there time. I don't blame them but it's true I guess.

I got out of my small apartment in London it's cheap but it works after moving out of the US I felt more at peace with London. The light and shops at night is pretty even prettier than US.

My morning consist of
1) finding a job
2) looking at the book shops
3) getting as much groceries for my apartment

Not much but it works. Today was different though since I don't sleep very well at night I went to get coffee at Starbucks. I ordered a french vanilla iced coffee. Payed and left for the outdoor eating area. As I was reading my W/W romance novel. Couldn't help but see someone chasing a blonde.

Don't put your past in perspective Mel. Don't do it.

Before I new it I followed the woman who was being chased. And found she was in the alley with a tall dude threatening to take her for ransom. Okay that's it no one should treat this woman like trash.

I ran gaining power in my legs. And before I knew I jumped and kneed him in the face. The man stumbled then cursed.

" Hey man don't hurt her what she do to you?"

The man growled then said

" Stupid don't you know who she is?"

" A pretty woman that deserves to live a have a purpose in life?"

I looked at him then her. He punch me and blood came out of my nose. I looked at him and smiled.

"I think you made a mistake." Wiping blood from my nose

I grabbed his hoodie that he was wearing and with all my force pulled him down he landing on his knee. One punch he was down and out like a light

I turned to her seeing her scared and shaking.

"You okay?" I asked her

"You did all that and he was a tough dude." She said in a English accent

" Nothing that I haven't done before." I said hoping she wouldn't ask anymore questions about that.

She looks at me puzzled.

" I have to leave I'm sorry for scaring you please go home and be safe." I said

" Wait!!!" She yelled before I left.

I stopped and looked at her.

" What is your name?"

I looked at her.

" Melody."

And with that I left back to my small apartment.

Thanks everyone who enjoyed this first part. If you have ideas let me know I'll do my best to read them. Have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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