Hidden secrets (Shellington)

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-4 days later 10am-
CB: "This letter is for all of us"
Peso: "what does it say?"
CB: "2567$@ says this may be a bit personal but do any of you smoke, drink beer or alcohol or not?"
Everyone:🙁, Kwasi: nope,
Tweak: never did it before, Dashi: "I did try some back when I was 5, I was curious about they taste, I try a bit of beer, alcohol and a cigarette and they take horrible...it was from my cousins Shawn's stash, my aunt smacked my cousin so hard that he literally went flying out to the window since then I never did it again", everyone🤯😅🥲

CB: no not really, Inkling: "nope"
Princess(me): "no I never thought about it, not even doing it"
-Turnip comes in-

Turnip: "where is Shellydo?"

A/N: everyone started looking around for him, he wasn't in his room, lab, bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere, Tweak noticed the gun-B is missing,
Tweak: "Cap'n the gub-B is missing"
Kwasi: "WWWAAAAT MY FAVORITE GUB MISSING WHO COULD'VE—wait what if Shellington took is since he isn't nowhere inside the octopod, so what if he left somewhere else" everyone though about "CB: "Dashi locate the gup"

Dashi: "On it captain", *beep beep*
"He's located....IN THE GRAND CANYON?!", Everyone😨😓, Tweak stayed behind to finish the car and dirty bike for Shellington

the rest of the crew set course to the Grand Canyon it took 5 hours to get there, "land here Dashi and prepare the octo-ray we are going to find Shellington",

They made it to the GC hotel 🏨 the humans know that they exist and have been really nice to them well some people think it's creepy some other are rude, most people really like them when they went inside all of the people and children were smiling at them with joy, some of the kids waved hello at them,

"Oh helll octonauts how can I help you?" The lady asked, CB: "uh yes have seen an otter come by his name Shellington otter" "yes actually he came by last night today he's heading for the lake everyone is going to the lake today" she said, Kwasi: "why is that?"

"Today is the anniversary of his parents death April 14 2010 is when they were killed by a rock slide while hiking, his parents were very great rock climbers they became famous here in the US

but after they died many people loved them so we decided to make a special ceremony for the each year, Shellington doesn't even come but his sister does since he's so busy helping you guys out on missions and studying marine life

He told me that he misses them so much that he made his own little ofrenda it's a shelf used to a picture of loved ones that died, since you guys were close by he'd stop by and pay a visit" she said, the crew was heartbroken,

"and another thing one of our employees for this box, it's filled with used cigarettes, each one had the same month, same date, different year and different time" she said, She opened the container and showed them,

"and another thing one of our employees for this box, it's filled with used cigarettes, each one had the same month, same date, different year and different time" she said, She opened the container and showed them,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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