Chapter 1:Recap

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Third person pov

Its been a few months after the big game for Oakley and Ally and Patrick haven't been on the best of terms. They have constantly been fighting over everything. Their daughter just turned 1 and they couldn't stand each other at her birthday party. Ally doesn't understand what she has done wrong to make him hate her. She thought their marriage was going good and everything was fine. But eventually Patrick became extremely distant towards her and she has no clue why. Ally has tried on multiple occasions to talk to him but he shuts her out. At this point she has given up.

Patrick has been sneaking off a lot. After ally goes to bed he will sneak out and not say where he is going. He will also come home at odd hours and sometimes not come home at all. He even ropes his best friend Travis in by saying he is staying at his house. This has brought many concerns to ally. She feels like she is losing her best friend and husband all at the same time. What makes matters worse is that just a few days ago she found she was pregnant again. The only time they where intimate was after a big fight. She hasn't told Patrick yet because of all the fighting that has been happening between them. She doesn't know if she can take much more before she calls for a divorce.

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