2. Bouquet for Bouquet

Começar do início

How was Amy at my party, but I didn't see her.

"She had a mini panic attack last night"

Somehow hearing those words made heart sink into my stomach. Just thinking about her being hurt in any way has always shattered my heart.

"Is she okay"  I stumbled over my words
"Yeah she's fine, I think she's just a little stress about being back, and she saw you and Adrian last night together outside the restaurant"

My mom sounded like she wanted to ask a question but she's too respectful to pry in my business and plus we both know she's going to find out one way or another.

"It's nothing between Adrian and I, is Amy still in town" I asked
"Yeah she said she leaves tomorrow"
"Okay, I'll give you a call later mom" I didn't wait for her to respond I just hung up

My brain was feeling a little scrambled, do I go see her, do I call her, I don't know.

I grabbed my plate, and even though it was still pretty full I lost all my appetite. Just then there's a knock on the door.

I took a deep breath already expecting it to be her but when I open the door it was a man on the other side with a bouquet.

"Ricky Underwood" he asked
"Yeah" I said and he passed me the flowers
"Sorry,  for the late delivery they were suppose to arrive yesterday" he said before walking off

I closed the door and sat the flowers on the table before looking at the small card sticking out of the middle.

'Proud of you Mr. CEO, Love Amy' 

I was sitting in the living wrapped in a blanket watching some awful scary movie.

The doorbell went off so I went to the door, my dad ran down to the market to get me a few things, he's been really sweet. I'm guessing Margret told him about my little episode.

I opened the door and to my surprise Adrian was on the other side.

"Amy" she smiled opening her arms to give me a hug

I nonchalantly leaned in to exchange one with her.

I moved out her way letting her enter.

"Your dad told my dad you were here, why didn't you tell anyone you were in town" She asked

"It was suppose to be a surprise, but I wasn't feeling to well after my flight" I lied
"I'm so sorry to hear that, but oh my goodness how've you been, I read your latest book" She said

Yep, Amy Jerguens is an accredited author now. After my awful year as a freshman in college my therapist suggested that I started writing down my experience, and that's when I found my love for writing. Now I currently have 9 best selling books, and I was a nominee for the Nobel Prize in literature last year.

"Oh really, what did you think"
"It was wonderful, Im still surprise that Amy Jerguens is an author" She said
"I'm not surprise that Adrian Lee is an amazing lawyer"  She smiled gracefully
"I do alright" she said causing me to let out a chuckle
"Ricky and I were just talking about that last night, we're all grown up and successful now" she said as I swallowed the lump in my throat
"Have you seen Ricky, how are you two" Adrian asked and I shook my head no

Since I was a teen it's been hard for me to decipher rather Adrian wanted to be a sincere friend or was she just looking for an ego boost.

Before I could respond, the doorbell went rang again.

I opened the door and my son is standing on the other side.

"John" I yelled greeting him with way more energy that I did Adrian
"Hi mom" He said as I pecked his forehead
"I missed you, I was suppose to see you last night but.." I paused in my tracks trying to think of what to say
"Dad said you weren't feeling well" He added
"Yeah" I nodded

I completely forgot Adrian was leaning on the kitchen island until John spoke to her.

"Hey Adrian" He shared a small wave to her
"Hi Johnny" She said
"Mom, Dad said these are for you" He said passing me the flowers I didnt even noticed were in his hands

I looked between him and Adrian confusingly before taking the card off the stem and reading it.

'Your dads restaurant tonight at 8 for a redo" I smiled and looked up

John looked like he was excited so I'm guessing he must've snuck and read the card. Adrian looked at me like a proud mother, Im guessing she is a sincere friend now.

Secret Life of an American TeenagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora