Part 1

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Drinking 3rd cup of Coffee, Khushi looked at her phone it's only been an hour she is waiting for the call.. The Call.. Though it feels like an eternity..

When the phone vibrated she hold the phone with a trembling hand.. she is not sure if the trembling is because of nervousness or because of excessive caffeine.. whatever it is she is trembling...

'What are you waiting for Khushi, pick up the call.. '

Taking a deep breath she picked up the call..

'Yes, this is Khushi Gupta.. '
'Yes.. '
'Okay.. '
' Thank you.. have a good day.. '

Cutting the phone, she looked down and said in a low voice...
' I didn't get the job.. '

' Oh Khushi.. I am so sorry'

He pulled her for a hug and she just stands there devastated... Rubbing her back he said, ' Don't worry babe.. probably next time.. '

Breaking the hug she gave him a small smile..

' Hey Listen, I need to go now.. I have some plans.. '

Khushi nodded, he quickly kissed her cheek and left the coffee shop..Coming out of the coffee shop her eyes fall on a smoke shop, she was debating in her mind, should she take one cigarette, only one.. One is not going to hurt right??.. one will help to reduce stress, right??.. she took few steps towards the shop and stop thinking about her mother, she would have freaked out thinking about Khushi smoking.. she would have been terrified as smoking is injurious to health and her mother had an zero tolerance towards the smell..she murmured 'Dammit Mom.. '

Taking the next bus she reached her one bedroom apartment in Kew Gardens, Queens.. The empty dark small apartment in a crowded neighborhood, reflecting her life perfectly.. she is also alone, in so much crowd.. To be honest she has a family just few miles away and she knows if she goes there now, probably, no definitely they will welcome her for a dinner.. a dinner which eventually lead to the question where is her life going, did she secure a good job yet, how come a girl of 27 years old born and bought up in USA still doesn't have the driver license, is she planning to buy a house, is there any wedding on the card with her current boyfriend...

Khushi got extremely annoyed with the vibration of the phone, right now she just want to seat alone in the darkness and stairs at the sky.. may be she will find a shining star and like an immature 16 years old will talk to it thinking it's her mother...


'Hey babe.. how are you doing..'

'I am fine..'

' I actually called to say sorry.. '

'Why are you sorry.. I didn't get the job and whatsoever I am still a yoga instructor, which pays me pretty well to survive,so don't worry..'

'Yeah.. I'm actually sorry for this too but my previous sorry was not for that.. '

' Ohh .. okay.. so why are you sorry?? ' Khushi asked little embarrassed..

'I actually have to cancel our dinner plan for tonight.. I really wanted to come but I need to catch up on some left work.. '

' Yeah sure.. no worries.. '

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