The Doctors

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Its been about 2 month since i found out im pregnant and Davit takes me to the doctors to get my first scan Its about a 4 month untill christmas. Once we get the scan i just stare at it
"it looks like an alien David" I say as he smiles and a song pops into his head i can tell
"whats the song title going to be" I say with a smile and david does his toothy grin
"i was thinking 'Loving the Alien'" David says with a grin
"what all because i said he looks like an alien" i say confused
"so you think its a boy" David says still smiling
"just a guess david" I say as he hugs me
"whats the names were thinking about" I ask as david sits on the chair
"well i was thinking Ziggy but im not sure about the last name" David says as i stare
"Ziggy Bowie" I say as he looks at me confused
"it could be a girls name aswell" I follow with
"Ziggy Stardust Bowie" David says smiling
"stardust?" i question him
"Ziggy Startdust" I say as another song title and smile
"So thats 2 songs we have came up with" I say as david writes down the song names
"only 6 more months Mr Bowie and Mrs Alexander" The doctor says. I just smile and David looks at me and smiles back
"well you 2 are free to go if you would need anything just call" The doctor says as i get up of the bed and put my top over my stomach and take Davids hand
"lets go little rebel" David says as we walk hand in hand. David puts his hat and sunglasses on and we walk to the car. Once we get home we notice Angies car outside.
"whats she doing here" I ask David
"I dont know but remember we have known eachother for 8 years" David says as we both get out the car and david gets some bags out the back of the car
"we went shopping okay" David says handing me a bag
"okay" I say smiling and we both walk into the house and angie us and takes the bags off us
"so David how is your Friend" She asks David
"she is okay. She is right here do you can ask her" David says looking at me while i put the food in the cubboards and Angie looks at me
"y-yeah i have been good just stressed from the argument with Ebs" I say as she looks me in the eyes
"may i speak to Kayleigh alone David" Angie asks as she helps me put food in the cubboards
"uh yeah sure" David says leaving the room
"look i know you and david have known eachother for 8+ years but i can see your in love with him. Im not fased by it just dont try to be a mother to Duncan" Angie says as David comes back in the room
"everything okay" David asks as i look scared
"mhm" I say and finish putting the food away
"well i best be going" Angie says getting her purse
"bye Angie" I say slyly. Once she leaves i close the cubboards
"what did she say to you" David asks coming closer to me
"i shouldnt be here should i" I question david
"yes you should i want you here and i need you here" David says in shock and kisses me
"So i was right" Angie says as we hear the door smal shut
"Angie just leave i need to talk to Kayleigh" David says angrily
"why just continute" Angie says closing the door and sitting down
"i-i should go" I say as i walk to the door
"goodnight david" I say leaving and closing the door. Once i get to the street i head to the bar
"hey joe" I say sluggish
"whats wrong Kay" He says handing me a pint
"i shouldnt be drinking just get me a coke" I say as Joe gets me a Coke
"so whats up" Joe asks serving other people
"Angie happend" I say taking a sip of my drink. My phone starts to ring and i see its david. I decline the call and turn my phone off
"what did she do"  Joe asks
"well im pregnant with his child for a start and she found us kissing and i just hate it. I hate how i have to act to be nice arround her" I say with tears in my eyes. Joe comes from behind the bar and hugs me
"come on come out back" Joe says taking my hand and i grab my coke
"i will be 5 minutes i just gotta go serve people at the bar." Joe says grabbing his phone and going to the bar. I just sit for 5 minutes and i hear Joe come back. I wipe my tears and look up
"Litle rebel" I just stare in shock
"JOE WHAT THE FUCK. YOU KNEw I WANTED TO BE ALONE" i shout and try barge past David but he grabs my arm
"let go david" I say cockily and he does as he is told. I grab my coke and throw the money at Joe and leave. I run to my apartment and hide in my room for a few minutes and i hear my door knock
"Go Away i dont wanna talk" I say thinking its David
"Kay its me" Ebony says softly and i look at her
"ebony not now i dont wanna talk to anyone" I say as ebony leaves and comes back about an hour later
"Kayleigh someone is here for you" Ebony says as David comes in my view
"what do you want David" I say as he comes in and Ebony closes my door
"Darling im sorry but Angie told me what she said to you" David say
"yeah i and i agree with her i dont want to be a mother to Duncan" I say crying and david pulls me close and hugs me tightly
"look im sorry and i wouldnt do anything to hurt you I got Angie the plane back to New York" David says looking me in the eyes
"and what about you" I say looking away
"im not leaving you OR Ziggy" David says as i hear a low tap on the door
"Kayleigh someone called Joe called for you" Ebony says
"and who is Ziggy" She follows with
"you will know in 6 months" I say with a smile
"your not pregnant are you-" Ebony says staring at me
"with davids child" I say making her smile
"omg im so happy for you" Ebony hugs me tightly
" i guess i should go" David says getting up about to leave but i grab his wrist
"dont leave me please" I say smiling
"you want me to stay little rebel" David asks
"please" I ask again
"okay okay but only for a few weeks" David says
"Im on tour soon" David says smiling
"little rebel" David asks
"yes starman" I say looking at him in the eyes
"i love you" He says kissing me
"I love you too Starman" i say smiling.
Its been about 4 months and david is on tour in new Zeland somewhere and me and Ebont stay at home 24/7. Late one night i hear a faint tap at the door and i see its Angie. I just slam the door closed in her face and cry. About a hour passes and i head to my room and go to sleep. I wake up at arround about 2-3 am to the feel of a sharp pain in my stomach I get up and call the doctors and i feel water hit my legs
"doctor" I say down the phone
"yes mrs Alexander" She says
"Make a room for me im on my way" I say crying
"EBONY" I scream a blood curdling scream and she comes running out
"im in labour" I say as she rushes and takes me to the car and speedds to the hospital
"i cant give birth without David here" I cry
"I called Mr bowie and he said he can get here as soon as he can" The doctor says as i feel the contractions getting worse
"okay Mrs alexander i need you to wait a few more minutes for me your only 9cm dialated" the doctor says as Ebony rushes in and takes my hand
"David said i could be here while he heads over" Ebony says
"okay mrs alexander you need to push on the count of 3" the doctor says counting down. about an hour of screaming and breathing i finaly get to meet my baby boy
"welcome to the world my little alien" I say crying
"whats his name" Ebony asks
"his name is Ziggy Bowie" i say holding him. once the doctors ut the cord they take him away for check ups and i fall asleep for a few hours. I wake up to the sound of footsteps in my room. I open my eyes to find david at the end of my bed
"well done little rebel" he says smiling and holding Ziggy
"welcome to the world Zigs" David says giving him to me. A few weeks after the birth im released from hospital and we go to Davids home where the baby stuff if and we put him to sleep

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